too lazy(spoiler)

32 1 8

Drag:I am too lazy to do the part so I will just.

(N??E? POV)
I sense that the unknown is not over yet so I need to go E??B? To warn him.

N??E?:Hello E??B?

E??B?:Who are you?

N??E?:That not important right now what is important is the unknown is not over yet.

E??B?:What do you mean?

N??E?:*sigh*look what you defeat is unknown tier 7.

E??B?:What are you talking about tier 7?

N??E?: Nether Rain defeat tier 1-4 and Ender Rain defeat tier 5 while Rainbrine is struggle fighting tier 6 what you guy had defeat is tier 7.

E??B?:Wait so he didn't been revive instead it was just another him.


E??B?:Then how many unknown tier are there?

N??E?: Probably around 20 since you defeat 7 of them is 13 remaining but I think you know what will happen.

E??B?:The higher their tier is the dangerous they are...

N??E?: Correct, this all I can info you and don't worry I will join the fight later.

E??B?:Thank you.

N??E?: You're welcome but you must warn the other.

E??B?:Ok goodbye.

N??E?: Goodbye.

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