Chapter 5

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The classroom was filled with chatter and old students that graduated early. That included Kakashi and Obito. Kakashi was obviously sitting alone in the farthest possible corner, ignoring every person trying to make conversation with him. It was sad, looking at him, all alone, but he brought it upon himself after all. 


The teacher walked in with a list of teams. The classroom went completely silent. Everyone was wondering who will be teamed up with who. Even though Kakashi was a Chunin already, he was still here. 

The classroom was getting emptier as each called team left with their sensei. 

"And the last team..." their teacher was saying, "Kakashi Hatake, Rin Nohara and Obito Uchiha. Was anyone left without a team?"

"Erm, yes... Sir, I don't have a team." y/n spoke, standing up. 

"Okay, then you can go..." the teacher wasn't able to finish a sentence without Kakashi interrupting. 

"Us! I mean... Sir, can she be in our team?" 

"Uh... I suppose so. Y/n, you will be joining Nohara, Uchiha and Hatake in team Minato then." and with that he left. 

She was thrilled that she'll be in a team with all of her friends. With an Uchiha, with the son of the famous White Fang of the Leaf, and with her best friend. 

Then Minato walked in. She's seen the man before. He was the ninja that held her as she cried when Kakashi's father died. Only, the man had matured.

Yellow spiky hair with that signature smile she remembers from all those years ago. Her face lit up as Minato looked toward her. 

"Hello guys! Let's head out somewhere, I don't like classrooms." he waved for them to follow. 

Arriving on a roof, he started:

"I'm Minato Namikaze. And you guys?"

"I'm Obito Uchiha! The next Hokage and the first Uchiha to be Hokage!" he basically yelled. 

"I'm Rin Nohara. It's nice to meet you sensei." and smiled. 

"I'm y/n l/n. I don't know what else to say..." she chuckled, scratching the back of her neck. 

"Kakashi Hatake." Kakashi said looking away. 

Minato just gave them a soft smile followed by a chuckle. 

~Time skip~

The next day y/n and her team met up with Minato to do a final test. The test was to retrieve the bells from Minato, the one who doesn't get the bell goes without lunch. 

"Great teamwork! And great thinking Kakashi, you really put all of their attributes on display with your tactics. You all pass!" Minato happily announced.

Y/n exhaled happily and fell on her back laughing. She finally did it. 

I did it, mom, dad. Are you proud? I did my best. I'm sorry I wasn't able to get you from the front. I'll try to manage this the best I can.

"C'mon y/n. Sensei is treating us some ramen!" Obito said lending her a hand to get up. 

"Sorry Obito, but I'll have to skip it this time." she declined politely.

Obito shrugged and ran towards Minato and Rin who already went ahead of him. 

She was still there, laying. She wasn't quite sure on what to do now, where to go from here. She still knew nothing what happened to her brother. Maybe he was dead, or captured, or he ran away all together. 

Closing her eyes and putting a hand over her eyes she let out a painful sigh. Tears started poring down the sides of her face when she spoke, to no one in particular. 

"Why me?" with that someone landed to the grass next to her. Snapping her eyes open she spotted Kakashi. 

She turned away to wipe her tears, but he gently took her wrist and turned her around. Looking into her emerald green eyes with concern, he embraced her into a hug. After a few short moments she was gripping onto his shirt, damping it with her tears. He just stood there, knowing very well how it felt, just wanting to comfort her the way she comforted him. 


Hello guys! Yeah this chapter was short I know ._.

I hope you like the story so far!

Bai bai for now :P


why me (kakashi x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ