Chapter 6

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It was a sunny day. The sun was setting down, the only sound you could hear were birds chipping. It was soothing. A soft warm wind started to blow as they reached the village. Kids, tired from the mission, weren't speaking, just wanting to go home and eat. 

"Here, yet another successful mission, sir." Minato happily announced as he handed the Hokage the report. 

"I'm quite proud of your team, Minato. You kids are very talented. As a reward, I'm giving you 3 days off before you start your usual missions again. I expect great things from you four." 3rd said with a slight smile. 

"You're dismissed." 

With a polite bow, they all left the room. Completely drained to even talk, the kids continued walking down the stairs until they heard Minato behind them.

"Guys! How do you feel about coming to my house for dinner?"  

Obito suddenly jumps and yells as if someone just gave him energy pills. 

"Yes! I would love to!" grinning he turned around to face Minato. 

"Sure sensei, I would love to come." Rin replied smiling. 

"I don't know sensei, I don't want to bother..." y/n replied looking at the floor. 

"No worries. I already asked Kushina and she said she's fine with it." he assured the girl who just nodded at that. 

"What about you Kakashi? Are you coming?" Obito asked. 

"He is coming, wanted he that or not." y/n said grabbing his arm as if he's about to run away. 

And with that, Minato teleported them there. The ride there was not what they expected. It felt like getting squeezed, pulled, stretched and smushed. It only lasted a brief moment before they found themselves on the floor, gasping for air, of Minato's living room. 

"Sorry about that." Minato said softly while scratching the back of his neck. 

"You can give us a warning next time." Kakashi replied through his teeth. 

He was frustrated. It felt like his life flashed before his eyes. In the room then came Kushina. Her hair was up and she had a white apron on. In her left hand was a pan and in her right a spatula. She had a happy look on her face. 

"Hello, kids! Take off your shoes and come help set the table." she grinned. 

"I really didn't want to come." Kakashi spoke to y/n as they went to take their shoes off. 

"I know." 

"Then why did you make me come along?" talking to the ground he couldn't face y/n. 

He was pissed at her. He wanted to go home and enjoy his peace. It was so unnecessary to take him along. But at the same time he was glad, he was glad she wanted him there. He was glad he wasn't a burden to anyone. He was glad people wanted him around. 

"I knew you needed it." she said with a soft smile looking at him. 

He still didn't want to look her in the eyes. He was still mad. A little blush crept through his cheeks, he didn't know someone but Obito who can make him lose his shit. 

"Come on you two love birds. We need help over here." Kushina called. 

"Coming!" y/n replied as she got up tapping Kakashi's shoulder before she left. With a heavy sigh, he got up too. 

~~Time skip to after dinner~~

"Thank you for coming kids! It was so nice to finally meet you all!" Kushina said as the kids were leaving. 

Minato tried to offer to teleport them home, but each time he tried to ask they all refused aggressively. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to teleport you? It's just this once..."

"NO!" all 4 kids turned and yelled at their sensei. 

Awkwardly chuckling he waived the kids off.

When they got far enough y/n spoke:

"Does anyone even know how to get back to the village?"

At that moment everyone stopped to look at her. It just dawned on them. Minato never showed them how to go back since they teleported. 

"Aw, man!" Obito yelled. 

"What do we do now?" Rin followed. 

The 3 kids started panicking. What now? Where to? They can't just come back to Minato... Right? Kakashi just observed them, he was waiting. He knew what to do and how to handle the situation, he just wanted to see what they come up with. 

"That's it!" Rin shouted some moments after. 

"Kakashi! Pakkun! Home!"

"Took you a while, idiots." he summoned Pakkun.

"Aren't you a smart little kid?" y/n teased Kakashi.

"Shut it." 


As time passed y/n was spending more and more time over at Minato's. But it hardly had to do anything with Minato. She was with Kushina. She was like an older sister to her. They talked about everything, missions, boys, life, everything. 

It was like a dream come true for y/n. She wished so long to have an older sibling who she can talk to, who she can rely on. Since her brother left to fight in the war she had no one. She couldn't talk to her mother that way, it just felt unnatural. 

Finally, she opened up about her family and her brother. 

"I used to have an older brother, but he left when I was very little. I don't remember his face or anything." y/n said looking at the sky. 

"You see, I was brought here long ago. I was about your age or younger, and I was all alone. Like you are now. Do you know who noticed me then?" Kushina started another of her life lessons. 


"Minato. Minato noticed me. He refused to see me as weak and fragile. He refused to pity me. He noticed and acknowledged me for who I truly am. Are you aware that someone you know sees you the same way Minato did then with me?"

Y/n's eyes widened. She loved the dynamic Kushina and Minato had, the perfect balance they had, the perfect mix. She envied her for that, hoping that one day she'll find someone like she did.

"There is?!" she said a bit too loudly.

"Shhhhh, tone it down. I won't tell you anything. You have to find that out for yourself." Kushina replied. 

Looking up at the stars once again she grinned softly and proudly. She wanted a younger sister to look after for a while. She was also very grateful she found a friend like y/n. She reminded her of her young days. 

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