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New town. House. New school. Friends. New everything. Every single thing in here is new. It's not that bad here at all. Just kidding I hate it here. All my friends are left in England. And here I am in Canada, Toronto to be specific. No friends, and it's summer. England wasn't that big of a country. But Canada it's a whole new story.

Our house isn't small but isn't that big. I have my room and that's the only thing I care about at the moment. Earlier today we went to a store and I bought room decor. Because it was too depressing in here. I put up led lights, and turn it to purple colour. It's getting less depressing. I played music from my phone. "Drugs & Money" was now playing. And it reminded me of my boyfriend, it was our song to vibe at. Late night car drives with him. It was the worst leaving him there in England. Now we're kinda in a long distance relationship. I hope it works out. Focussing on the noise that's coming from outside my room, I realise that I was daydreaming and someone has been knocking on the door.

"Come in" I said. The door opened slightly and a head peeked out. It was mom. "We have guests" she told. It was weird that we have guests, it's our third day here. No one knows us. Yet. As I walk out of my room into the kitchen I see four people sitting in the kitchen, and mom was making something what I guess is coffee, tea or something for them. As I walk to sit at the table all four of them were now looking at me. Two adults looking like they were in their forties and two teens. One was a very pretty girl and I guess she's like 16 and the boy probably is like 18. And I can't say that he's not attractive because he is.

I gave them a quick smile and sat down at the table everyone was. "Hey you must be Kayla, were the Millers your neighbors and we just wanted to meet you all" the guy said who I assume is the dad. The parents seemed really interested and happy with all of this. The girl was smiling and talking, but the guy was uninterested at all and was on his phone all the time.

Apparently my brother has friends in here so he left to meet them earlier today. So here I am sitting with four strangers and my mom. My mom seems like she really likes them. She's been laughing with the parents I didn't get names of. "Hey, uh I'm Ella" the girl suddenly said. She sounds sweet. But you know how it is all bitches seem sweet at first. "Hey" I replied."so how old are you" she said curiously. "Uh I'll be turning 17 in a month" I said. "No fucking way! I'm turning 17 in a month too!" She said loudly. "Ella language!" Her mom angrily stated. "Sorry" Ella whispered and looked at me straight up. "we will need to hang out for sure!!" Ella told me excitingly. And me the person that doesn't have friends here and doesn't know how to say no of course I agreed.

All of us ended up having dinner. And I found out that Ella's birthday is the same as mine. That shit weirded me out but it's cool at the same time. We'll probably be celebrating together who knows. Oh and we'll be going to the same school. At least I'll know someone from school. The guys name is Lucas. He didn't even talk to me, only a few words to his sister or parents and my mom. I was like invisible to him. But who cares he looks like a fuck boy anyway.

Currently I am still unpacking the last box. It's three in the morning and I don't feel tired. Out of the box I took out my headphones. I connected them to my phone and opened Spotify. Here it is my one and only favourite playlist called "my liked songs" jokes on you I am just to lazy to sort out songs and create normal playlists. "Drugs" now playing. I know every word. So I just lip sync because I don't want to wake anyone up. "Everybody's either here for the drugs or the sex or the money or the fame" I lip sync to the song. I finished unpacking the last box and just took a look around the room. "new start" I thought to myself.

I turned off the music and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Even though it's summer I still love hot showers. I don't know what it is with them but they relax me. After the shower I put my PJs and went to the bed. This bed is new. It's soft and cozy. Perfect. The sheets cover my body perfectly too. When I put my head on the pillow I immediately fell asleep. Even though I wasn't realy tired, but my body was from all the unpacking.


Today breakfast was amazing actually. We ate fruit salad. It was delicious. Liam my brother said that today him and his friends will hang out at our houses basement. The basement is literally perfect for hanging out there, it has a pool table, a sofa, and all cool things. I didn't actually want to meet them so I will be going on a walk, to explore around. Once I finished eating I went to my room and changed into sweat pants and a gray hoodie, put my shoes on, took earphones and my skateboard then left. I lied I am not going for a walk, more like a ride.

I knew where the closest stores were but I wanted to find some type of park or some cool spot near our house. It's weird being in a complete new country. With new people and places. Few minutes of riding I came across a skate park that looked cool as hell. Graffiti all over it made it look more cool. Near it I saw an abandon house that I will have to check out some time. As I rode around the skate park to the park behind it, I saw my neighbor, Lucas. He was with a group of  people. All of them had realy nice style to be honest. Lucas saw me and started talking to the group. A few of them looked at me. Shit I think he's telling them something bad about me. Like they always do. "Hey Kayla or what's your name, do a kickflip" suddenly Lucas spoke and all of them started to laugh. I ignored and kept skating. What's up with all people that skate and doing kickflips, then saying things like you're a poser like shut up. "I bet you can't do it" one of the guys said and laughed. "Yup she's a pussy" some girl from the group said and again they all laughed. Those little shits. That's it. "Be careful don't break yourself" everyone laughed. Haha funny. I started skating. "Fall!" Someone yelled. I only hear their laughs.

I did that fucking kickflip and everyone shut up. I bet they weren't expecting this. Little did those shits know I know some moves. I looked at them one last time and rode further. I heard them whispering something. I put my earphones In and ignored everything. I want to go back to England. I miss all of them already. Now I was in a quiet park. There were no childrens playgrounds so there will be no kids. And in this place it's easy to kidnap people, but it's beautiful here. I sat on a bench in front of a pond. It's quiet here. I like it. I kept one earphone in my ear and another one out. "Hurt you" was playing. I used all my six skips this hour and now I can't skip songs. I really do need to create a playlist, because half of the songs are liked years ago and I don't listen to them.

I am currently laying on the bench, listening to music and watching the clouds. It's reality calming and relaxing. One drop of water fell on me. It's probably from the trees. And another one. And another one. And it started pouring rain. I got up and started running home with my board in my hand. Everyone from the skate park ran to the abandon house. But I still got dirty looks from Lucas group.

By the time I got back home I was soaking wet. I took down my now wet and dirty shoes, and went to my room. I changed into warm big hoodie and big shorts. Okay don't judge me I look like a hobo but who cares I am warm and comfortable. After I got dressed I put my hair into a bun and went to the kitchen to make something warm. I decided to make tea this time. As I waited for the water to boil I went back to my room and took my headphones with me. Played "tongue" and just enjoyed it. It's strange that my boyfriend hasn't called. He's probably giving me time to settle down in this house and everything. The water was now hot and I made the tea. As I was on my way to my room. Liam and his friends came out. "Shit Lee your sister is hot" one of them said. "Ew Kay, you're disgusting she's my sister" and with that I walked into my room. I am used to getting these type of comments from his friends, it's just like in England.

It was not that late but I was exhausted for today. I got into my bed and took my computer with me. I saw some shows on Netflix that looked good so let's watch something. Hmm. After good five minutes I found a movie that looked interesting. I watched half of the movie and fell asleep. That's how great the movie was. I don't even remember the name of it. Long story short it was the most boring movie.

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