Chapter 9

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Ray's POV

That walk didn't take as long as I expected! It was only 3 minutes! Miguel was right!

I heard some music playing. I knocked slowly.

There was no answer

I knock again

Still nothing

I knock one more time.


"Why isn't he answering??!"

I try to find a boby pin in my hair and try to unlock the door.

I open door and couldn't believe my eyes. I felt my cheeks heating up! I saw Norman and he was dancing gracefully up the pole.

He suddenly stopped and was surprised to see me.

"Holy shit!! You scared me to death!" Norman said getting off the pole

"I-I-I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to-"

3rd person POV

"Hehehe it's alright~. What brings you here? Have a seat. Do you want any water?" Norman said smirking at Ray and walking."

"Oh it's okay.... So whatcha doing?" Ray said sitting down on a chair.

"I'm practicing my dances! Oh perfect! You're a good example for me!" Norman giggles


"You'll see. Watch and learn, baby cakes ~"

"B-Baby cakes??! Did he just call me that??" Ray said freaking out in his head.

Norman started playing music and started to play "Streets" By Doja Cat

Norman looked serious walking to the pole and then leaped fast onto the high top, and start swirling around it for a few seconds and then glided down whiles holding onto his left leg.

After that he did a split. And then looked at Ray.

Ray's face was confused for a moment, then walked like a model to Ray and but his entire body on him and started to move his hips up and down.

It even go to the point where Ray even felt Norman's bulge dick on his stomach!

"N-Norman...??!" Ray said blushing

"Aw what's wrong? Don't you like my sexy moves~?"


"Bahahahaha!!! I'm joking! Only if you want too~"


"You're too cute. Imma call you...Ray Ray!"

Ray blushed again

"Didn't I get your phone number? Here I'll give you mine." Norman said getting off Ray

"Ohh umm sure?"

"Mmmm....There we go! Hehe! I can't wait! Hey! Do you wanna come to my house? I'll get some dinner for us. I want us to get along well."

"Like...A date...?"

"Mhm! You seem really chill! I want to know you more! Sooooo maybe 6?"

"Sounds good!"

"Awesome! I can't wait, cutie! See you tomorrow!" Norman said winking

"See you!" Ray said smiling

To be continued

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