Chapter 21

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Ray's POV

3 days had past and today is the day I'm meeting up with Atlas to talk. It going to be awkward I know it. He's probably going to try to flirt with me and try to get back; which I'm avoiding.

I just put on some cargo pants and a long sleeved shirt with a jacket since it was 57 degrees outside.

He told me to meet him up at Greendarell Park.

I was surprised. He was actually there sitting on one of the benches texting on his phone. He noticed me when he heard footsteps.

Atlas looked up at me and smiled gently "Hey."

"Hey" I said bluntly and sat next to him. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"You could at least ask how I was doing." Atlas said

I sigh "Fine. How are you?"

"I'm doing okay. Yourself?"

"Good. Now what did you want to talk about?"

Atlas was getting mad "How come you're having attitude with me huh? What happened is in the past!"

"In the past...? In the past my ass!! You know what you fucking did!"

"You're still thinking about this?!"

"Duh of course!! I was in shambles!!!" I yell raising my voice

"Don't yell at me!!"

"I can yell at you whenever the fuck I want!!"

"We're in public, Ray!"

"I don't give a fuck!! Just tell me what the fuck you wanted to talk about! I'm supposed to be studying for a mid term that's coming this week!!"

"First of all sit down! I can't talk to you when you're standing." Atlas said calmly

I just rolled my eyes. "I prefer us to walk around! It helps whenever I'm mad."

"Fine." Atlas said folding his arms.


3rd person POV:

Ray and Atlas walked around the park for a few minutes. You could cut the silence with a knife. Ray began to talk

"Alright, so what did you want to talk about?"

"Ray...." Atlas turned to Ray and held his hands. Ray was bewildered of what was going on. "...Ray...I know you're going to say no to me and-"

"Just hurry up and spill...!" Ray said getting annoyed

".....Ray, I miss you and...I really want us to get back together."

Ray sighed deeply and facepalms

"I knew it. I told you I'm never getting back with you. After all what you did...?! Absolutely not!"


"You know what you did!"

"I know! It was all my fault and I'm really sorry. Sometimes I even cry because I miss you. Look, that was in the past! I've done improvement!"

"I don't give 2 fucks! I can't even get with you anyhow! I'm taken!"

Atlas was silent.

"Who....Are you dating?"

"Is that any of your business?"

"Well no-"

"Then don't ask. I don't like you anymore."

"Can we at least be friends?"

"No! Listen Atlas, I'm done talking to you...we are done! I have other things to do!"

Atlas frowned

"Fine. Have it your way." And left

Ray sighed, facepalmed and left.

He felt a little bad at how he acted but he was upset. Ray didn't think the day will come and seeing Atlas.

He just walked back to his apartment to go and talk to Norman.

Atlas was walking around the streets and then pulled out his phone "...Yeah Emma, can we meet up somewhere? .... Not now but maybe tomorrow...? Okay sounds good...Thanks bye."

To be continued....

( hey guys!! this chapter was kind of short and boring 😭😭still working on more!! thanks everyone for the patience!💗)

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