Prologue - Sudden Switch

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BY:Milk-chan and Mush-chan

Prologue - Sudden Switch

"What is this?" Kuroko asked while holding a white glossy envelope, Momoi had given to him.

"Invitations! My brother's friend is a singer!" Momoi squealed, "He invited us to a costume party! It'll be fun, do you guys want to go?" She averts her sight from everyone to the envelope.

Riko clapped her hands together, "it sounds fun, why don't we go since I have something special planned for us after."

Everyone suddenly got interested and gathered around Kuroko to look at the envelope. Kuroko then slowly ripped it open and took out the letter from inside.


To The Person Holding This Letter,

The Saotome Gakuen is holding a party were all that has this letter is invited to attend, gather your family and friends. In lieu of this event, we intend to share the blessings that we received.

It will be hosted Saturday 15th XXXX, at the Community Center. The theme will be a costume party, so dress your best and stay healthy.

We are looking forward to having you. We hope you can attend and have fun at this grand event. Good day and god bless.

Best Regards, The Agents Yuna and Mari


They all listened with full attention, usually when there were parties high classes were invited to attend, not any random person off the street.

"What will we wear?" Kagami questioned, knowing he didn't have anything good in his closet for a 'grand event'.

Everyone has its attention on Kagami who didn't seem to find the invitation suspicious. Doubting, Kagami then looked back at his team mates in confusion. "What?"

"Kagami-kun" Kuroko stoically said, "you don't find the letter a little odd."

He thought about it for a moment then shrugged his shoulders, "it couldn't hurt to go, plus I'm guessing Momoi, her brother, and brother's friend will be there."

"He does have a point," Riko said after a while, "it couldn't hurt to go, so what will we wear?"

"There are costumes in the room behind the stage where all the plays are held," Hyuuga replied remembering the room full of clothes, "I don't think the drama club would mind us borrowing some of the stuff."


"Tetsu..." Momoi excitedly said as she saw him fully dressed coming out from the bus they had rented, "You look like Ai from Quartet Night."

"Ai? Who's that?" Kagami asked as he got out of the bus.

"Ai is an idol, he's quite famous, and Kagami, you look like" Momoi paused a bit and scanned Kagami's appearance. "Kagami" Momoi shrugged crossing her arms and checked the time, "we're already late, hurry!"

Kagami looked down at what he was wearing, his basketball uniform.     

"Like I said before we're late, hurry!"

They rushed to the entrance and the guard there sighed, "you just missed Quartet Night performance, at least you came, Mari and Yuna will escort you to the room."

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