17. Confessions at World's End

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That day after Yukawa's plan was executed, we saw Yukawa and Murata carrying the beaten-up Manabu to the laboratory. I thought Rise's group will be shocked, but with Rise leading, they clapped with crisp nods.

"Pfft... Deserve," Rise giggled. "Now that you found the culprit, what's your next move?"

"We're going to tie both the hunters and this game will end," Yukawa replied.

"What do you mean both? Did you find the other one already Or..."

Yukawa opened his arms as a reply right after putting Manabu near the window. "I didn't kill anyone, I'm just taking this role to investigate the rules more."

"Saori... You didn't say anything about this!" Rise barked.

"That's... because Yukawa said not to tell you after he executed his plan. I'm sorry," I replied with water in my eyes.

"Tch! It's like I'm an outsider."

"You chose to be, aren't you?" Ryo followed up.

With Ryo leading, Yukawa and Manabu are both tied with rope. The immobilized two sat still while waiting for their judgment but...

"Nothing's happening..." Rise commented.

"M... maybe we can wait until the day ends," I suggested.

"It's rare for you to suggest, Saori," Murata said.

"She might be right. I think it's better to isolate us in this room. I'll watch over Manabu if he tries to escape," Yukawa said.

"You seem to plot something..." Rise said suspiciously, but Yukawa's face is painted with gloom. His eyes are staring straight as his mind floats into space.

"No, that isn't it. We might have cleared the game, but there's still something I feel uncomfortable about."

"What spider-sense do you have? Perhaps you're a superhuman or a drug pusher," Rise asked with an insult.

"Something seems off."

We tried to brainstorm Yukawa's suspicion but no one discovered what it is. The five of us remained in the storeroom while Yukawa and Manabu stayed at the laboratory. Rise forced us into it with Yukawa's decision that the poison might benefit us if they escaped.

Minutes later, Ryo stares at the outside the same way Yukawa did. I approach him and ask. "What are you thinking, Ryo?"

He started with a heavy sigh. "I can't put Yukawa's words out of my head. We should be clearing this game already. If we wait until tomorrow, death might come to us early."

"I believe we can survive this day without any deaths," Saori ensured with a warm smile. Everyone's lips are already cracked except me. That's the realization of why Rise called us out.

"All of you, hear me out." "It's been two hours since we caught the hunters. Now, there's something I want to talk about, and it's survival. With this, no one's getting benched to hell."

"Do you really expect us to wait for seven days, don't you? There's only one match stick left," Murata argued.

"Why are we still cautious? The hunters are already bound. There's no need to worry, pea-brained maggots.

"Hail the genius of me for discovering that the water in that stash isn't poisoned."

"Huh? What made you think so?" Ryo asked.

"If that is, then Saori and Yukawa should be dead by now. Yukawa expected us to take poison to last for a day, but in previous deaths, the only maximum that they lived is 8 hours.

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