Chapter 1: A New Age

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The sun was slowly rising over Silica City. But it was kinda hard to see the sun, because of all the skyscrapers and whatnot. I lived on the top floor of an apartment complex somewhere in District E. My dad owned a shop selling computers, game consoles, games, and gaming equipment over in District C, known as United Gaming, so it was quite a commute for him to get to and from work. I really liked the shop, because Dad would occasionally bring me home a new video game for my Neon Genesis X-90. That was back when I played video games a lot. Just before they became the center of everything, and a means of survival. Back when times were a little more simple. You didn't have to worry about being the best at games like Ultra Jump Mania, Nova Explorers, Battle Blaze, Tempest, Dragon Kart, Fast Food Fight, or whatever new games came out. All you really needed to worry about was whatever wanted to threaten your life. Which was very uncommon, being that Silica City Police Department was always on top of everything. So we don't exactly have that many problems. Anyways, I usually like to sleep in before school starts, but Dad would always wake me up before the sun even had a chance to reach over the complex. If my alarm didn't, he definitely would. But this morning, my alarm was the thing that woke me up. I clumsily dragged myself out of bed, and looked out at the city. Beautiful as ever. The skyscrapers in the distance, shadowing over the streets below, the flowers in my neighbor's garden across the street, and the occasional mailman coming and delivering the mail to our complex. Every morning, I am met with that same beautiful view.

I really didn't feel like going to school today. Because this was the one day in the year that someone would come in, and talk about something incredibly boring that no one would have any interest in. I didn't care if I got in trouble, but of course, Dad was always one for perfect attendance, whether it be for school or work. He would probably say something like "Perfect attendance is something every employer is gonna want to see," or "Not showing up is not getting paid." But I don't get paid to go to school. It doesn't make any difference to me. Yet when I help Dad out at his shop, it does make a small difference, because he takes it very seriously. And right as I was thinking about what he would say, he came walking into my room.

"Son, it's time to go to school. Get up, get moving, come on, let's go." he said.

"But Dad, I really don't like Speech Day. Can't I just work with you at the shop today?"

"No. I've already got my workers waiting for me there, and I can't afford to waste any more time. We open at 8:30. You need to be at school at 8:00. Now, get dressed."

I put on my jacket, and my gloves, and I grab my stuff. It's dumb how students have to sit through two and a half hours listening to a guy talk about something that doesn't impact any of us directly. I decided to take another look out my window before I left for school, but when I did, I saw some people wearing weird helmets. I don't know what that was about, but those helmets made them look like that one guy from that duo where they look like robots. I can't remember the name, but they just looked so weird. I guess they just don't have any real sense of style. Not that I would have that either, I just grab the most comfortable thing I can find in my closet and wear that. I walked out of my room, put on my shoes, and walked with Dad out of the complex, and into our car. While we were going the same way, we were on 2 different paths: Dad was going to work, and I was on my way to school.

As we rode for work and school, I just casually looked out the window at the view. We had passed into District D, which was undergoing some major renovations after they signed a deal with the governor to have it technologically enhanced. Much like how cars hover now instead of being on the road. And how some stores had robots working in them instead of real people. Dad wanted nothing to do with that, because he just didn't trust any robot. Not even the chef bots. But I personally liked some of the things those chef bots would make. Primarily the ramen. It was to die for. The most delicious thing ever made by a robot ever. The one thing I never really understood with them is why they feel emotions like we do. Is it possible that robots are more human than we are? I doubt it. Another thing that the District was adding was public places to play demos of new games. I kinda think that's pretty cool, because that way, you can get a taste of a new game that you want. It can give you a general idea of what the game is about, the mechanics of it, and all sorts of stuff. But no matter how much of the coolness I looked at, I was still bored. Because of Speech Day.

By the time I got there, I had enough time to hang out with some friends in the courtyard. I made my way over to my 4 best friends: Adam, Ethan, Kobe, and Joe. I had known these guys ever since middle school, so I knew they were cool. But they had looked just as bored as I did, knowing today was Speech Day.

"Yo, what's good, Devin?" Kobe asked, fist bumping me.

"Meh. Not much. Just Speech Day." I said, as bored as ever.

"I know. Who do you think it's gonna be this year?" Joe asked.

"Based on what I heard, it's gonna be some guy who runs a big gaming corporation." Adam said.

"Gaming? That actually doesn't sound boring!" I said, as my eyes lit up.

The first bell rang. We went our separate ways to our classes. Evan going to Computer Science, Adam and Joe going to Digital Media, and Kobe and me going to Advanced Programming. We got to our class, and waited for the teacher to show up. He normally walks in as the last bell for the morning rang. He was always kinda quirky when things didn't go the way he planned them to go. As the final bell rang, he slid through the door, slammed it shut, and moonwalked to his desk.

"Good morning, future coders and programmers!" he said.

"Good morning, Mr. Grey." the students would all say in response.

"Okay, so as you all know, today is Speech Day, and we have a very special guest coming in to talk to all of you. And I have to say, the principal really made a good selection with this year's guest speaker. So once we get our warm-up assignment complete, we'll head on down to the auditorium." Mr. Grey said, looking excited.

"What's he so excited about on Speech Day?" I asked myself.

Mr. Grey displayed the warm-up assignment on the board: Code a stick figure to wave. Wasn't too hard to do. Just typed in the right commands to get a stick figure to wave. Simple stuff. Even someone who doesn't know how to use computers could figure that out.

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