Chapter 10: A Chance for Redemption

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It was another normal day at LiveWire PLUS. I was selling games and equipment to people who were looking to buy stuff. And at around lunch time, two ladies come in, bring me something to eat, and chat with me. I had come to know them really well. Their names were Mariah Goebel and Rayne Wolf. They would usually bring me some ramen, or some bento. Which were both really good. And they made me happy every time they showed up. Rayne was insanely beautiful. Beautiful enough to where I would want to become her boyfriend, and she would be my girlfriend, and we would be in love. But, I don't know if that would ever happen to a wired mess like me. Anyways, we were just talking about life, and doing what we normally do when they visit. But today, three people came to my store. Two guys, and one girl. The two guys were both Meta Runners. One with a fully Cybernetic Arm and black hair, and the other with a beanie and a sleeveless hoodie. The girl had on a green jacket, with a pair of goggles on her head, and was holding a tablet with an SMG4 sticker and a Saiko sticker. She had half of her head shaved, and the other half combed over, with a nose ring as well. She looked edgy as heck.

The girl spoke, "Excuse me, is this LiveWire PLUS?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"And, are you Wire Brooks?"


"That's good, man. We got some talking to do." The Meta Runner wearing the beanie said.

Mariah and Rayne seem to have recognized these three, but the one with the fully Cybernetic Arm made some kind of gesture to signal them both not to address them.

"Huh... Weird."

"What is?" The girl asked.

"You two..." I pointed over to the two Meta Runners.

"What about us two?" The Meta Runner wearing the beanie said again.

"You look... Familiar." I took a closer look at them both.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure we never met before, man. You must be thinkin' of someone else."

Upon closer inspection, I remembered what happened a month ago. And then it hit me. These two were the same ones from the bombing!

"Oh God! I remember you two! You bombed TAS-Corp!" I shouted.

Mariah looked over at the two Meta Runners. "You did what?!"

I quickly rushed over to my phone, but I wasn't fast enough. The Meta Runner with the fully Cybernetic Arm grabbed my arm, twisted it, and pinned it to the counter, with an extremely tight grip.

"Who are you planning on calling?" He asked, in a really deep voice. Deep enough to sound like something out of a nightmare.

"You're... Hurting my arm...!" I said, as I struggled to break free.
"Whoa, what are you doing?!" The girl asked, worriedly.

"Just taking a precaution to ensure that he doesn't get us locked away for something we didn't do," he said, glaring at me in the most menacing way. "He can't jeopardize our mission in any way."

"Ay, ay, ay, ay, chill!" Rayne said, trying to get the man to stop.

I could feel myself about to scream out in pain. Until the other Meta Runner pulled on his arm, trying to get him to let me go.

"Yo, Masa, let him go! The kid's been through a lot already! Can't you see you're scaring him?!"

He looked back over at me, as I was still struggling. Then he let go of my arm. I was in a lot of pain from that. I did not know a man could grip something so tightly to where he can almost snap it in half.

"Sorry about him. He's just been a little on edge. Is your arm okay?" The girl asked.

"Aaagh... Owwww..." I was still in pain.

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