chapter 1( backstory/final selection)

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zenitsu POV

be careful zenitsu father said i will i said why does he have to go all alone he could get attacked by a demon kaigaku said kaigaku we need to let zenitsu go out more by himself more he's getting older father said tsk just be careful alright i don't want to lose you kaigaku said i will brother i said smiling he smiled back at me i then went off to get food when i returned i saw kaigaku and dad body outside KAIGAKU DAD i yelled running towards him i then realized my mother i quickly ran inside to see my mom saulted aganist the wall with a knife in her MOM i yelled she looked at you need to get h-h-help please surrvive for us son she said smiling before it faded and her eyes became lifeless MOM YOU CANT LEAVE ME ALONE i said crying while holding her suddenly i heard groaning i ran outside to see my brother fingers twitching ANIKI DONT MOVE ILL FIND A WAY TO CARRY YOU suddenly i heard laughing i turned around to see a demon well well looks like i got a whole family to feast on the demon said STAY AWAY FROM THEM i yelled suddenly i was hit in the side of my neck sorry kid but i cant resit he said before everything faded black 

kaigaku POV

i woke up to see a demon hovering over my brother i growled i punched the demon staright in its face causing it to fly back STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY BROTHER  i yelled how are you not trying to eat him the demon said i noticed i was drooling but i refused to kill him because....he's my family ill never kill him i said i stood in front of him in a protective stances he launched his self at me  i quickly used my body as cover on my brothers body i waited for an attack until i felt nothing i only smelled ashes i turn my head to see a man i growled at him i then launched my self at him he dodge i quickly started to try and cut him until i heard a little groan coming from my brother i kicked the man in side and dashed towads zenitsu i held his body close............

the mans eyes widen i snarled so you don't eat humans he said ofc shithead if i did why would i try and protect him i said he sighed im zono makio im a friend of  maro your father he said it seems he's dead i held zenitsu closer i try protecting him but i was to weak now all i have left is zenitsu my little brother and ill do anything to protect i said my voice cracking a little it's ok kid i will help you and him first we need to get you both in new outfits i notice your demon slayer how about we find you another demon slayer outfit and haori and get him a demon slayer outfit and haori he said i picked my brother up bridal style oh yea and we need a muzzle for you he said A MUZZLE WHY i said just in case you dont have control of yourself  he said make sense i said wait a goddamn WHO CHANGING HIM SURELY NOT YOU i yelled calm down we will wait for him to wake i scuffed and patted zenitsu head 

(after they changed and buried the body)

zenitsu POV

i woke up in a bed kaigaku!? i yelled im right here he said he was a demon but i wasn't afraid here he said tossing me clothes it was demon slayer outfit and my mother haori it was big on me but i didn't mind the haori was black fading into purple with moon on the purple part i came out of the room there was a small box with moons on it kaigaku was aruging with zono i blinked in confusion (btw zenitsu has no sparkles in his eyes but still has emotion his eyes are purple like his mothers but a little bit darker)IM NOT GETTING IN THAT SMALL SHIT kaigaku said i facepalmed my self aniki you'll be fine you can shrink i said he snarled i noticed a bamboo muzzle on the counter i put it on his mouth he snarled again go in the box he sighed before shrinking to toddler size i closed the box wow he listen to you but not me zono said i chuckled he does it because he want to protect me i said smiling i put the box on my back i saw the necklace my mother wore i picked it up and put it around my neck we started walking to zono house

(after a 3 months of training i learned night breathing my brother fell asleep)

my brother been asleep for 3 months it was the day of the finals be careful zenitsu make sure you come back for your brother zono said i nodded before running off when i got there were a lot of kids i just looked straight ahead we were let in a demon attacked first form night breathing slice and dice ( i don't remeber if any forms said slice and dice sorry if it did i don't remeber since i haven't watched demon slayer in a long time) i jumped in the air and started slicing the demon hitting the demon

bascially like this but it was black mist

the demon screamed in pain i simply walked away 

(skip to day seven cause im lazy)

i saw a girl getting attacked by a demon with a lot of hands i decided i just do slice and dice i quickly finished it off wait the girl said i turned around my name nezuko kamado yours? she said zenitsu agatsuma  i said we started heading to the end when we arrivied only 5 of us survive when it was time to pick our nirchin blades i went with one in the middle nezuko went with the one on the right the rest went with there gut i headed i only ended up with 2 broken ribs when i arrived home i saw the door being kicked down i saw a paniced kaigaku looking everywhere when he saw me he ran towards he hugged me tightly i smiled and hugged him back don't ever leave without me or without telling me kaigaku said i wont i said

i made another btw zenitsu has black hair that fades into purple and has dark purple eyes like his mother kaigaku eyes are dark blue and he has blue ends like his father i made night breathing because why not 


the girl with a demon and the boy with a demon(tanzen \kainezuWhere stories live. Discover now