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zenitsu POV

i just got my uniform i kept my mother haori all though it was long and reached all the way to my feet and you couldn't see my hands i didn't care kaigaku get in your box  he snarled before going in the box i smiled i looked at my sword it was all black with a purple tip be careful zenitsu zono said i will i promise i said he smiled at me  while i was on the road to my mission i saw nezuko she was probably going to a different mission so i didn't bother to talk to her she then turned a different i shrug my shoulders before going my way when i arrvied at the village it was dark so kaigaku came out he walked right next to me determid to protect me i smiled there was rarely people out suddenly a woman came running to us PLS HELP MY LITTLE BROTHER BEEN TAKEN she cried i felt bad for her i stayed calm  where did he disapper at she pointed to the side of a house i noticed there were claw marks luckly no blood it was defently a demon that took your brother but he didn't   kill him there is no blood suddenly i heard rustling on the roof i looked up to see nezuko ZENITSU?! nezuko yelled i smiled and nodded she came down from the roof she had a box on her back but i didn't say anything it seems her brother disapper it looks like this demon preys on small children the easiet target he or she must be keeping them somewhere kaigaku snarled nezuko looked at him she gasped wait is he a demon? nezuko asked noticing the muzzle oh yea forgot to mention him this my older brother kaigaku i said no way i have a brother thats a demon too he my older brothe- she was interrupted by chuckles in the alleyway it was a wide alleyway blah blah such borning stories the demon said WHERE IS MY BROTHER the woman yelled

oh him he is in my swamp kaigaku growled at that comment well well a demon teaming on humans side the demon spoke launching it self at us i dodge the attack and pulled out my nirchin blade looks like ill probably have two 14 years old  to feist on with that kaigaku launched him self at the demon hitting it square in its stomach the demon growled i ran behind the demon and try cutting it head off but my leg was grabbed by a puddle under me i quickly cut jumping back suddenly i saw a small girl i grabbed dodging the demons arm  rolling across the floor towards the woman i handed her the small girl she cradle the girl in her arms in a protective way nezuko ran up to the demon cutting it skin until her leg was grabbed she was slammed a aganist a wall i try running towards her but i was blocked by two more demons one with two horns the other with three suddenly the box door slammed opened and out came a red head boy he jumped over the demon slamming his head on the demons head nezuko smiled before getting up i then saw a black puddle i then remeber*oh him he is in my swamp* im going down for the boy i said kaigaku pulled his muzzle what happens if you die you know you made a promise kaigaku said in a worried voice i smiled i promise ill come back ill return with the boy too i said they all nodded the redhead looked worried when i said im going in the puddle i jumped down  i held my breath i was met with two demons i started swing my sword i was able to hit the two headed horn one but for the three headed demon i head to use my second form night breathing second form whirling night i said black mist surrounded my body  i swung my sword it hit the demon in the arm before it surrounded the demon cutting its body then its neck suddenly i saw a little boy i grabbed him from the bottom and began to swim up but i felt so tired but i made a promise i kept swiming until i was grabbed by my waist by the redheadded boy he pulled me up to the surface i when i was out i saw the original demon i handed the woman the boy kaigaku kicked it its head causing it to slam aganist the wall i sliced its arms off  and slit it on the side of its mouth now tell me who is muzan the demon froze with fear i tilted my head i-i-i CANT TELL YOU it yelled launching it self at me i quickly sliced its head poor soul i said with no emotion i patted the box that was on the floor kaigaku crawled in thee box i smiled the redhead did the same suddenly the woman yelled you can't leave me your self beings you need to help me the woman yelled i turned to the woman you better shut your trap you don't know what type of shit i've been throught i said having the flashback of my mother dying right in front me i balled my fist before walking away with nezuko and redhead and kaigaku in the box thats on my back.....................................

i hoped you enjoyed this chapter byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee words:925

the girl with a demon and the boy with a demon(tanzen \kainezuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora