1. after math

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Mike's pov:

After vecna was defeated El started ignoring me. I didn't understand what i did. And Will. He was distancing himself from me. Did i do something? I didn't. We didn't fight. And when we did i apologized. Instead of hanging out with me, Will was mostly hanging out with Dustin. Lucas was constantly in the hospital and sitting by Max's bed so he couldn't hang out. And even if he could he probably wouldn't want to since he's extremely sad. It's like nobody cares about me anymore. It's like i don't exist.

That's it. I'm going to talk to El wether she likes it or not.

I entered her room. She looked at me just for a second and then looked away.

" Hey El...did i...did i do something? Because it seems like nobody wants to hangout with me anymore...." I said

She sighed and turned her head towards me. This is it. I'm getting my answer.

But no. Instead she just says: " leave." I don't argue back. Does she hate me?

I was in about to leave when i turned around and asked: " Why are you ignoring me?" She didn't even reply.

I just left her room and decided to go home.

As i walked past Wills new room i heard him and Dustin talking.

" Dude that's messed up." Dustin said.
" Yeah well not like I'm surprised. Maybe it's best to let it go." Will replied. I could hear how hurt he was. But about what? Let go what?

Then Dustin started again: " Sometimes you just have to except the Truth.... wether you like it or not. It's a part of life. And you can't do anything about it." By the end of the sentence I could hear how he was sobbing. Since Eddie died Dustin hasn't been the same.

" Yeah i know but.......you don't know how much it hurts." Will was now crying too.
" I know Will..." Dustin added.

Almost immediately Will replied: " No Dustin.....you...you don't....i just....forget it....it's stupid, I'm stupid, everything is so fucking stupid." Wow. This was the first time I heard him cussing. He's probably upset about Max's coma.

I decided to stop spying on them there and go home. It's not like anyone wanted to talk to me anyway.

A/n: I just felt like making a Will and Dustin friendship since they both (technically) lost someone who they cared about a lot.

Word count: 411

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