4. Eleven

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Mike's pov:

After an almost sleepless night I'm ready to apologize to El and Will. Nancy said that Will might need more time so I'll talk to him Tomorrow.

I biked over to the cabin.

Once i got there i knocked but no one answered.

I knocked again.

Then the door opened. It was Eleven who opened it.

" Hey." I said.

" Hello Mike." She said.

" Look i came here to talk and this time you can't tell me to go home. I spent the entire night thinking about what I'm going to say to you and Will. Please?" I asked getting worried that she'll send me home once again.

" Okay." She said. Oh. Oh!

" Thanks." I replied. She let me in the house and we went to her room.

" So. What did you want to talk about?" She asked. She still had a neutral face. I couldn't tell what emotion she was feeling since she was doing a really good job at hiding that.

" I wanted to understand what i said. Apologize and talk about our relationship." I said. I heard a quiet sigh.

" Ok." She said and nodded slightly.

" So first i have to understand what i did because even after spending a night coming up with what to say i don't know." I said hoping she will not tell me to think about it again.

" Mike. I know you didn't mean the stuff you said to me while I was piggybacking." She said.

" What? What do you......what do you mean?" I asked. I was super stressed out at this point.

" You said that you love me." She reminds me.

" Yes. Yes I did and i meant it." I reassured her. But the truth is that i actually wouldn't have said it if it wasn't for Will.

" Except you didn't," she started " you said that you love me on my good and bad days. But that's not true. On my bad days you look at me like I'm a monster."

" El....you know i don't think that way....i never would think that you're a monster." I said. Oh no. I was starting a fight wasn't i?

" You may not think of me as a monster but when i have my "bad days" you don't show any affection either." She said.

" you also said something really bad...." She said and looked down.

" I did?" I asked. I didn't want to lose her. I really hope i didn't say anything too bad...?

" You don't remember?" She asked and raised an eyebrow.

" I actually don't remember anything i said a part from a few "i love you's" i replied awkwardly hoping she won't get too mad at that.

Her mouth formed into a small "o" and she took a deep breath.

" You said that your life started the day you met me in the woods." She said. No. No fucking way. Did i really said that. I felt my face dropping. I felt tears forming in my eyes.

So that's why Will is upset.

"I said that?" I asked in whisper type tone. She nodded. No. No. No. No.

After 2 minutes of silence i spoke up.

" Yesterday i was talking with Nancy. She told me that i should apologize to you first since Will might need more time to himself. Now i know why i have to apologize." I said and she nodded lightly.

" But El. I'm so sorry. I do love you. But. I don't understand love that well. I know that i love you but i don't know in what way. And if it's not romantic im sorry for leading you on. I'm so fucking confused." I said.

" I know Mike. I know that you don't love me romantically. And no I'm not mad. Even so i don't think i want a relationship right now anyway." She said and smiled softly.

" So we're breaking up?" I asked. Of course i was a bit sad.

" Yeah. I think it's better for both of us." She said and hugged me.

" Yeah....it is. We are going to be friends right?" I asked and she pulled me out of the hug.

" Of course Mike. Why wouldn't we be friends?" She asked and i just shrugged.

" I will only forgive you once you've apologized to Will." She said and smiled again.

" What? Why?" I asked.

" Well first of all because he's my brother and second of all because he needs you more than i need you." She said.

"He does?" I asked. Honestly i was surprised. How could Will need me?

" Of course Mike. He's your best friend since kindergarten. He needs you Mike." She said. Oh. Well. I mean I'm happy obviously. I need Will a lot too.

" Thank you for listening to me El." I said and she nodded.

" And yeah as you said you should talk to Will tomorrow. Dustin is over today again. It's like the 6th time this week." She said and giggled.

" Well then I'm going home. Again. Thank you." I said and she hugged me again.

" Bye Mike!" She said.

" Bye." I replied.

Wow. Honestly I'm extremely happy to hear that Will needs me so much. Also I'm extremely happy that El forgave me.

Although i still need to talk to Will im sure it'll be fine.

A/n: There Might be more chapters today idrk

Word count: 896

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