Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Scarlett Point of View

I sighed in satisfaction as I sip on the new coffee he bought for me.

I had immediately agreed to his offer, no other words needed. As I recalled how shocked he looked when I took up on his offer, I internally chuckled.

But what I don't get is the fact that he is currently sitting opposite me in Starbucks, blatantly staring. I felt really uncomfortable and had tried many times, unsuccessfully I must add, to persuade him to leave.

As time progresses, I simply just ignore his presence and decide to just focus on the heavenly coffee in front of me, hoping that he would pick up the hint and leave.

When I am halfway through my coffee though, he suddenly decided to grace me with his voice. "So, you are THE Scarlett Rose?" he questioned curiously. I can't help but notice the emphasis he place on my name. I rolled my eyes and retorted back"Aren't you THE Adrain Black?"

He raised an eyebrow unimpressively and I can't help but notice how deviously handsome he is.

Like someone. Like Him.

At that moment, everything fades and a piece of tightly guarded memory managed to flash through my eyes.

***"Is this seat taken?" I raised my head from my work to see him, standing beside the table I was at, in Starbucks. He was perfect. At first glance, he seem to have the capability to make anyone fall for him. "Umm, I don't think so." was my hesitant reply.

It was not long before I warmed up to him. Soon, I was laughing and smiling along with him. At that moment, I experienced nothing but utter happiness.***

I shook my head as I tried to repress the memory, not wanting to relieve that memory anytime soon. The guy sitting opposite me must have triggered something.

"Are you alright? You look a little dazed and you zoned out for a while." His voice seemed like static, not fully comprehensible. However, it was what brought me back to reality.

"I am fine. What do you want anyway? I heard that you are always busy, managing your precious empire, don't you have things to do?" I answered, shaking my head to clear the memory.

He suddenly smirks while saying "Tired of me already? I was actually planning on spending as much time with you as possible." One of his eyebrow raised while I rolled my eyes and pushed back the chair I was sitting on. Without hesitation, I swiftly walked out of Starbucks and enter back into the cold air that nipped at my face.

He was startled, and chased after me into the cold air. I signed, exasperated as I cannot seem to shake him off. In my last attempt to ditch him, I walked with increased speed on the way back to my office. However, it failed when I realized he seem to be able to walk alongside of me effortlessly. I mentally cursed his tall build that graced him with long legs which allow him to keep up with me.

It was a short moment of silence as we walked back to my office. I am surprised by how comfortable I felt when I am with him. He seem to bring security and comfort that I always want. Besides that, sparks erupted every time when our shoulders brushed against each other and my heart seems to beat faster as if it is in anticipation for something.

It strangely felt like the many times that I spend with Him. It brings back so many unwanted memories. I shook my head and convinced myself it is not the time to reminisce about Him. It is essential that I clear my thoughts, pushing Him to the back of my mind.

It is not long before we are at the front door on my office. We stared at each other silently as we wait for someone to break the palatable tension. It was me who spoke first. "I got to go now. It is nice meeting you and thanks for the coffee." I said to him softly. He stared at me soundlessly before I saw something flashed in his eyes. It was too fast for me to catch it but I thought I saw a hint of desperation. Desperation? I must have seen it wrongly as what could have make him feel desperate about?

"Can we meet again? I really want to know you better and I need to patch up my mistake of almost running over you." he replied sounding a little nervous as if I would out front reject his offer. Giving my track record, he has every right to be nervous. I never really accept anything if it is not beneficial for work.

However, I hesitated. It is a simple choice, why am I torn between two choices? A voice inside my head reminded me that if it was any other guy I would have rejected him already. Maybe it is due to the fact that he is the only guy that has not got affected by my coldness and lack of social skills. A cold voice mocked me restlessly that I am getting soft, letting my guard down. 

I think I took too long to consider as he looked flustered and said quickly,"It's alright if you reject me. It is your choice." He seemed a little dejected and resigned.

I have no idea what came over me that day. Perhaps it is due to the fact that I may have hit my head when I jumped out of the way of his speeding car or how snow started falling softly making it all seem so magical that I muttered "Yes."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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