Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Scarlett Point Of View

"Scarlett?" I heard James's voice echoes through the corridor I was walking. I turned around and saw him jogging towards me. "What is the matter?" I ask him as patiently as I could. "A new secretary had came in for the interview. She is now waiting for you in the office." James said brightly. "I will be right there" I told him grimacing, not paying any attention to his particularly good mood in the morning while walking off towards my office to see the new secretary that had applied.

Not even bordering to knock, I threw open the door to my office. I was expecting to see a naive young woman fresh from college with big dreams of success but you can say to my surprise it is a woman around 30. "Hello, I am Audrey. I had came here for this interview." the woman who called herself Audrey said with years of experience. I composed my initial shock and mentally admired her calm and compose behavior before switching my facial expression to one of ice. I walked towards my desk and grab her file off the surface.

I thumbed through her file and was shocked to see the many accomplishments she achieved. Looking up, I survey her posture. She stood firm and upright. Confidence was also radiating off her. After much consideration, "You are hired. You can start work tomorrow. Make sure you report at 8am tomorrow." I muttered. She upon hearing that, just gave me a warm smile and walked out of my office.

After her departure, I sighed and lean back in my chair. Not even a few minutes later, my phone rang. "Good morning, Miss Rose. I have a potential client that requested for a meeting with you. Would you like me to set up an appointment?" my front desk secretary immediately said through the phone once I answered it. I flicked through my calendar and scanned my schedules. "Set him up tomorrow at 1pm, I am free." I replied. Upon hearing her consent, I hung up and ran my fingers through my hair before starting on the thick files that is present before me. I sighed as I realized that I will be working overtime tonight again. That immediately put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

Soon the day ended and I had managed to avoid most of the staff and refrain myself from snapping at them for every little things. I had no doubt that the gossip mill in the office will start again before tomorrow and everyone will come up with weird reasons for my foul mood if I end up snapping at them.

As I look at my watch a few hours later, I decided to grab some caffeine from the Starbucks near my office if I am to survive through the night. Not wanting to delay any more time, I hastily grab my scarf and purse before heading out.

The cold wind whipped at my face once I stepped out of the warmth of the empty office building. It was way past office hours. I wrapped my jacket and scarf tighter around my body before crossing the road. With my luck, the cold wind was blowing against the direction I was heading to. I felt more and more relieved as I got nearer and nearer to my destination.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I finally reached it. I pushed the door open and inhaled deeply. I could hear the small bell ringing across the almost empty Starbucks. My eyes immediately surveyed the whole interior. Except for a few lone couples there doesn't seem to be anyone else. I then proceeded to order my coffee. It was done in no time and I grab it from the counter before exiting the shop.

I slowly sipped on my coffee as I started to walk back to the office. I crossed the seemingly empty road but suddenly out of nowhere, a speeding car was heading towards me in full speed. I was rooted to the ground and I found myself unable to move. As I saw it get nearer and nearer, my legs seemed to move on impulse and jump out of the way before the car hit me. I heard screeching sounds as the driver try to stop and I seemed to cut myself as I landed roughly on the hard, rough road. I groaned as I picked myself up slowly, pain shooting up my whole body. I could literally feel the bruises forming as I glanced sadly at my emptied Starbucks's cup. Not wanting it to be a safety hazard on the road, I went forward to pick the cup off the road, all the while cursing the driver mentally.

"Are you alright?" a baritone male voice startled me as I almost dropped the cup I picked from the ground. I turned around slowly as I prepared myself to face the person that almost ran me over.

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