Chapter One

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Chapter One

Scarlett Point Of View

"The files are all wrong! Ask you to do a simple thing and you fail to achieve the required data! I can't believe it!" I shouted at my new secretary as I rose from the comfort of the chair and started pacing.

I saw her trembling from the corner of my eye about to burst into tears. "I am so sorry, I must have missed... some data in my rush to get it to you on time. I...I will... redo and make sure it is done properly this time." She stuttered, teeth clattering from the death glares I have been shooting her. I sighed and settled back into my seat. "You're fired, please leave the office as soon as you can. Make sure you had cleared every item of yours from the desk." I muttered lowly.

The secretary face immediately filled with shock and disbelief. "Please! you can't fired me like that. I... I will redo and this time I will not make any mistakes! Just give me one more chance." she choked out. I started to lose my patience with her and reach across the table to dial the security post. She continued to plead desperately as I waited for the security guards to reach my office. "The same again?"they asked. "Yes, make sure that she had clear everything from her desk before escorting her out of the building." I reminded them.

I block out her pleads as the security guards drag her away. I sighed as I walk towards the large wide window overseeing New York. The buzz and life never cease to amaze me. Winter is coming and many people are preparing for Christmas soon. Should I start preparing? There is no one coming over anyway. My mind wondered back to a pounding question, should I be more patient and lenient? It has been the fifth secretary I had fired in a month.

I stood there for a moment wondering before sighing and calling James. He is a good worker, striving his hardest for everything. "Hello? James speaking." he answered almost immediately. " I need a new secretary ASAP. Put an ad on the news or anything. I need it to be done by next Wednesday." I demanded. " Of course, considered it done." he replied. I hang up after that and grab my iPhone and purse before walking out of my office.

The office was empty as it was passed working times. I took the elevator down and walk out of the entrance, greeting the doorman on the way. I walked towards my black Mercedes and slipped into it before starting the engine. I relaxed as I prepared the drive home.


Author Note:

This is short but gave you a clearer perspective of Scarlett. I would like to also thank those that is reading this.

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