Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Adrian Black Point of View

"Are you alright?" I asked politely. I was getting irritated but managed to hide my annoyance and anger successfully. I was driving around the neighborhood of my office, trying to burn off some steam but ended up venturing further than expected. Alas, I can't do anything without someone messing it up for me. Even going out for a drive almost cause someone's death. I swear everyone is trying to make my life difficult today. First with the incompetent workers at work and now this.

*** "What the heck just happened?" I shouted angry and baffled at the scene in front of me. People were running around with important documents and papers are flying everywhere. Printers are printing non stop and people I hired were literally shouting to each other, panicking. I cannot believe what is happening. What will others think when they saw the chaos in my company's building? That is totally unacceptable, especially in my own company. It is impossible to tolerate such acts.***

Safe to say, many people who are involved are going to need to look for a new job now.

Before I could ponder more on what happened earlier, I heard her soft but commanding voice. "I am fine." rang out in the empty road. It was then I was able to glance at her more carefully. I was shocked by her similarity to the picture I saw at the newspaper front page today morning. It seem that she also finally realize my identity as realization seem to dawn in her eyes as we both exclaimed at the same time "Its you!" We stood stunned as we both try to wrap our mind on what has happened. My mind flashed as I recalled seeing her on many articles on business magazines and newspapers, especially the business section.

A tense silence came over us before she broke it with a scowl and ranted at me angrily. Even then, one cannot deny the natural beauty she possess even when angry. I stared at her in awe. Pictures really does her no justice.

"How can you drive so irresponsibly? Don't you know about road safety? How can they put you on the road?Look at what you done! My coffee! Wait, are you even listening?" It was only her last sentence that was successful in jolting me out of the wonderstruck state I am in. When I recovered from my daze state, I saw her just standing there with her hands on her hips and glaring daggers at me, waiting for my response.

"Sorry." was what I am only capable of muttering as I am left speechless. My mother has raised me up with the qualities of a gentleman and I vow that I am not going to destroy that in a fit of anger.

As she tapped her heels on the ground impatiently, I have no choice as I finally offered "I could buy you a coffee?"

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