Home is where the fun is

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" We're going home."

" But Hange just started her presentation!"
" I don't care we're leaving."

" Okayy Mr Grump."

" What. Did you really want to listen to her for three more hours and get sidetracked by something halfway."
" Maybe... what if it got interesting"

" I'll give you interesting and if you really must know what she's talking about, I'll get an organized synopsis for you tomorrow."
" Louisa just stop arguing with me. I want to go home and I know you don't want to stay here and waste the night"

Well yeah but I don't feel like telling you that and I don't like being told we're just leaving.

" Yea whatever, let me go say bye to everyone"
" I'll wait in the car out front"

I slooowlly made my way back to the car. Taking my sweet time with each step and hugging everyone for just a couple extra seconds as I said goodbye.
" I'm back"
" Shut the door."
" Jeez why do you literally have zero patience today. It's getting annoying."

" Sorry. I'm just thinking about a lot and you also look really good and I just felt like we were wasting time at Hange's."

I blushed a little. Even when he's a control freak he still gives me butterflies and he really is right. We kinda were just going to waste our night there and I do want to have fun with Levi tonight.

" Okay"


" Isn't it so much better when you just listen to me. Aren't I always thinking about whats best for you and what you enjoy. And still you love tormenting me by being difficult and not listening."

I can tell he's getting angry. Even if he wasn't truly annoyed at me before, pretty sure he is now.

" That's what you want though. Isn't it. So you can get exactly what you want from me. It doesn't work like that love. You disobey me and have your fun in hopes of forcing me into punishing you how you want to be punished. You know it doesn't work like that and still you try."

I could say lots of things to him right now but I don't want to escalate anything and I also don't really feel like having this argument so I just sit there.

" We're home."

He gets out slamming the door and goes right over to my side of the car. I briefly think about locking the door for just a few seconds of peace. But it would only make him angrier and I am not trying to do that.

" Get out."

I don't argue. I don't say anything I just follow him up our front steps and into the house. I guess I didn't need to be sarcastic earlier but he is right I did think I was still going to get what I wanted.

Now I'm scared I'm not going to get anything

As I'm standing in the front of the house thinking about all of this. And maybe regretting slightly some of my actions. I watch him walk to the kitchen while Im still just standing by the front door.

" Go upstairs and change your clothes"


" I didn't ask for feedback. Go."

K I was just going to ask what I should change into but thanks for letting me ask a question dick.

" And if you stomp your feet you're not cumming for three days."

" THREE- oop"

I closed my mouth and quietly ran up the stairs on my tiptoes.

I walk into our room and head towards the bathroom to wash up and put my clothes in the basket.

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