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It's finally here. The day you have been waiting for all year. You spend each school year craving the sweet yet salty ocean air, late night swims, fresh muffins from the bakery, etc. and now it's only a few hours away. As you are packing up the last of your things your mind wanders off into everything you are leaving behind.

The constant bullying at school by you're old childhood best friend Kayla and her new posey, where you are called things such as fat, ugly, waste of space, and loser. While y/bsf tries her best to reassure you that you are more than enough, the things that people say really got to you. When it first started it was almost as if you saw your own body morph in the mirror to fit the description of what other people said. You have never told anyone beside y/bsf about the bullying because you believed what they were saying was true and you didn't want to draw attention to yourself. This is the reason you refuse to let people in, because you are scared they will see you the way Kayla did once she got older.

You were so lost in thought you didn't even hear footsteps coming up to your room, but instead you were brought back into reality by y/bsf waving a hand in front of your face. "Y/n, earth to y/n". You shake your head snapping out of it. "Are you okay?"

   "Yeah sorry, I was just thinking about how grateful I am that school is over and I get to leave this town. I mean of course I am really sad that you can't just come with us, but I just don't know how much more of some people in this town I can take", you sighed.

   "I know you are in need of an escape y/n. And as much as I'm going to miss you, I know this is your happy place. I just hope you remember to call me everyday and update me on the tea", she stated in complete seriousness.

   As you zip up your suitcase, a smile grows on your face, "You know I will y/bsf! I think this summer might be different, I want to just stop caring what others think and live for myself".

   You hug y/bsf tight knowing this will be the last time you see her until your birthday. Once you let go she starts rambling on about if you're thinking of going on any dates or to any parties, luckily you were saved by Steven yelling, " Come on y/n, your chauffeur isn't going to wait forever. I want to go see Jeremiah!"

   You giggle to yourself and dragged your luggage down the stairs. You head to the door and turn around taking in one last scan across the first floor knowing you won't be seeing it for a while, as y/bsf exits the front door first. Once you do the same you make sure to close it tightly and lock it seeming as the rest of the family was already packed into the car. You add your suitcase to the Jenga game in the truck and close it once you find a place for it to slide in. Y/bsf lives just across the street so you give her one last long hug and say your goodbyes before she makes her way across the street.

   You hop in the back seat with Belly and immediately take aux knowing that Belly always puts in headphones and watches movies, Mom falls asleep about 20 minutes into the drive, and Steven is to be focused on the road and not on his phone trying to pick out songs. You pick your favorite song as Steven pulls out of the driveway and you start to relax in your seat knowing there is a long drive ahead of you. Who knows what this summer will hold, but you hope it would be something good enough to remember.


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