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After about two hours Steven pulls off the highway and onto the exit realizing we were getting low on gas. This meant it was your turn to drive, although you really didn't mind it. Driving let you escape the world for a little bit and made you feel in control, which often times you did not feel that way about your own life. As Steven pulls into the gas station you start to stretch a little and prepare your things to move to the drivers seat with you. You guys come to a stop at pump number 8 and open the door as Steven does the same. You drop your belongings in the cup holder and grab Laurels debit card, before pumping the gas.

After finishing up, you turn the car back on feeling excitement growing inside of you. You knew once it was your turn to drive you only had about 2 hours left before reaching Cousins. With a smile on your face you pull out of the gas station and head back towards the highway.

With only about 10 minutes left of our drive you knew it was time to wake mom up. You look at Steven through the rear view mirror and gave him an approving nod. You hear the beginning notes of Mr Brightside and your right hand magically finds its way to the volume dial, cranking it up to 40. Belly startled by the change in volume takes her headphones off, as mom rubs her eyes sighing knowing what is to follow. You and Steven sing and rock out as the lyrics start while Belly and your mom just smile while giving you both judgy eyes. Eventually, as the chorus was nearing you grab your moms hand while Steven does the same to Belly hinting at them to live a little and join in. "Jealousy, turning saints into the sea..." you all start screaming together enjoying the last few minutes of the car ride. Just as the song fades out we pull into the all to familiar driveway and your mom reaches her hand out over you honking the horn to alert them that we had arrived. As you put the car in park you hear three seatbelts unclick immediately, not long after followed the sounds of car doors opening. As you peer out the car window you see the three of your goofy family members racing towards Beck and Jeremiah who have barley made it out of the front door before being attacked by hugs. You turn off the car and grab your phone before reaching for the door handle, taking one last deep breath. By this time Beck and Jeremiah have made their way closer to car getting ready to greet you and unload the suitcases from the back of the car. You open the door and step out, heading towards them to say hello and give out hugs.

"Oh my god, y/n you look so grown up. You are even more beautiful then the last time I saw your pretty face!" Beck exclaims.

"Awe you are too sweat. I'm pretty sure I look the same but I will take the compliment to heart" You reply back knowing you wish you could feel that way about your looks.

You turn to Jeremiah who pulls you in for a hug and ruffles your hair knowing you don't like when he does that. "Rude!" You state, tugging yourself out of his grasp to fix it. As they start to unload the car you wonder where Conrad is, as he was normally the first one to greet you. As if you could predict the future, at that moment he turns the corner of the house. His hair flows perfectly in the wind and it was almost like time was in slow motion.

As much as you hate to admit to yourself you had missed Conrad. Although you never really let him in, he never gave up on trying to get to know the real you, and would always be there for you anyways when you didn't give in. As he saw that your family had arrived a smile grew on his face and he quickened his pace. Since you were the only one not behind the trunk he approached you first.

"Your braces are gone, I kinda miss them" He said with a pouty face.

"I don't, at all. So I guess your just going to have to get used to it" You reply back as you lightly shove his shoulder.

"I really missed you" he said looking into your eyes.

You stayed that way for a moment before quietly responding, "I missed you too Con" pulling him into a quick hug.

After you let go you hear Steven shout, "Boys you know what time it is". You quickly try to run away making sure to drop your phone on the grass before doing so, to know it was safe if Conrad did end up catching you. Before long you feel two arms wrap around you, "Con please no, spare me please" you scream trying to plea. "Not this year y/n". You close your eyes and stop squirming knowing there was no use trying to fight the inevitable. As you you reach the edge of the pool you look over to Belly who is still trying to fight Jeremiah and get him to let her her go.

"3, 2, 1" you hear Steven yell out and brace yourself to be met with the cold pool water. The next thing you know you are underwater hearing drown out giggling from the guys. You push your long h/c hair back, out of your face before returning to the surface. "You guys are so getting payback from this" You and Belly state angrily at the same time.

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