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    You sat looking down at your plate watching it start to sway back and forth a little. You were happy the effects of the alcohol were kicking in because you would rather be anywhere but sitting two feet away from the boy who just put a little tear in your heart. It wasn't that you loved him, it was that he was one of the only people you could trust with why you closed yourself off and he threw it right back in your face. You heard chatter about Steven getting off of his phone and when you look up you see Jeremiah taking his phone out of his hands and throwing it in a basket in the living room. You chuckle to yourself as Steven had a dumbfounded look on his face.

  "Before we eat I want to pray all together. I know we don't normally do this but I think it's a good change. Please grab the persons next you hand and close your eyes, I will lead it." Your mom states. Of course you were on the end and you didn't want anything to do with Conrad, so you grab Bellys and hold the other one up into the air.

   "Y/n since your on the end just reach over and grab Conrad's." Laurel states. Everyone closes their eyes and bows there head while Conrad holds his hand out waiting for you to take it. You scoff making it obvious to him that you were still mad about the conversation that you guys had not even 30 minutes ago. As you reach your hand out to meet his you were slightly off seeming as his hand was moving in your drunken state. He pushed his eyebrows together giving you a questioning look., but you ignore it and close your eyes.

   "Thank you father for letting our families travel safe to gather in this place we all call our second home and enjoy this beautiful meal together. I pray that you will watch over us and keep us all safe and healthy for the summer and years to come. Amen" we all say amen in return and you swiftly pull your hand away from Conrad's avoiding looking at him.

   "Alright, dig in." You all fill your plates up and start to eat before conversation is struck up.

   "Hey Conrad when are you leaving for training camp?" Steven asks. It was followed by an awkward silence. Until Jeremiah spoke up,

"He quit football" all eyes turned to Conrad. You were shocked, you knew he really only played to please his dad, but you always thought there was a part of him that loved it. Susannah keep talking although you were too focused on Conrad to hear what she was saying. He looked back at you meeting your eyes. Although you were pissed, you wondered what was going on with him- it was like he was a completely different person. As your eyes lingered on each other for a few seconds you snap yourself out of it quickly looking away. You continued to eat and stayed silent as they all chit chatted until Susannah gets up and grabs something from her purse.

"So this is why we had to stop by the country club." Your mom speaks up. As she starts opening the envelope Susannah continued,

"I wrangled Belly an invitation to be a debutante." She goes on to explain what it is to Belly and how fun it will be. Susannah made you do the same thing a few years ago and although it wasn't the worst you had to share the night with your ex boyfriend who ended up cheating on you with another girl that was there.

They continued teasing Belly about how she was not mature and that ended up in bickering between Belly and Steven about your cats funeral. You decided you were no longer staying silent mostly do to the alcohol in your system.

"Belly it's not you at all and you know it. Plus you saw how well that shit ended up for me." You say slightly slurring. All eyes turn to you too stunned to speak.

"Y/n watch your mouth please. And this is her decision her night probably won't end up how yours did." Your mom speaks up.

"Yeah your right, it's your choice Belly. And if you don't mind I'm going to excuse myself. Thanks for the dinner you guys." You respond getting up and heading out the back door. You stumble a little down the first few stairs before grabbing onto the railing. You walk along the side of the pool heading to dock lookout. As you were about halfway there you look back to see everyone giggling once again like nothing happened.

See they are just fine without me, you thought to yourself. That's when you notice one person not laughing and looking at you instead, Conrad. He had a look of concern on his face probably because he noticed your drunken state and that he was probably the cause of it. You turn back around and continue to stumble your way out onto the dock. You take a seat on the bench and pull out your phone. You open Spotify and hit play on your playlist which if your being honest consisted of mostly sad music. You stare out at the sparkling water and let your mind wander about things such as why Conrad was acting so different, why Kayla bullied you, why your dad and mom split up, and why everything you had was crumbling in front of your eyes.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by someone sitting on the bench next to you. Because of the music you didn't hear any footsteps approach and jumped slightly in your seat. You turn to meet the eyes of Conrad once again. What was it going to take for him to get the hint you didn't want to be around him.

"Look if your coming to apologize save it. I don't know if you know this Conrad but you have an effect on people, especially me. I was trying to open back up to you and you throw it back in my face. Am I not supposed to feel hurt by that? I mean shit I thought things were finally going to be good this summer." You rant not really in control of your words.

"An effect, I'm not sure what you mean by that." That made you wonder why you did all of a sudden care so much about him and why his words really did effect you so much. Deep down you always knew what you and Conrad had was different than your relationship with Jeremiah, but you always just thought it was because you guys spent more time together.

"I——" you stop yourself, before starting again. "Really that's all you heard. How about the part where I told you how much of a douche you were for saying that and yelling at me."

"Look y/n I am beyond sorry for snapping at you, you didn't deserve that. I just have a lot on my mind and I know that's not an excuse. I will try to be better, for you." He replies sincerely looking deep in your eyes.

"Good." You reply inching your face closer to his. His eyes shifted from apologetic to something that looked more like lust but shortly after he scrunched his nose pulling away a little.

"God y/n how much alcohol did you drink I can still smell it in your breath." You don't say anything and look back at the water.

"We're you drinking because of what I said. Oh my god y/n I'm so sorry I didn't know I made you this upset. I feel like such and idiot. What did I——" you cut him off by putting you hand up to his check rubbing it softly.

"Conrad it's fine I forgive you. I care about you too much to stay mad at you." You say looking into his eyes. You felt butterfly's in your stomach which was new to you. You hadn't even tried for a relationship after your ex, you never let anyone even close to you like the way you were with Conrad today. Confused by what you were feeling you pull your hand away and apologize.

"What are you saying sorry for." He speaks softly turning your head back towards him with his hand. Although he didn't keep it there and something deep down was a little disappointed.

"Nothing" you sigh out before looking back to the water. He leans his head on your shoulder doing the same and you gently tip your head so it's resting on top of his.

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