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   Kayla- Hey did you miss me? I know your at Cousins now because duh I used to go with you every year. Before you even try getting close to Conrad again don't forget once he sees you for you, he will be absolutely disgusted. You are a fat, worthless loser and if you think someone could actually like you, don't fool yourself.

   Conrad knocked on your door after he heard the sound of your phone slamming your bed to ask if you were okay. All you said was yeah and that you were just finishing up getting ready. On the other hand, Those words were swarming your head for about 10 minutes. She was right, what was the point of letting people in just to be hurt when they don't like who you are? Everyone in this house is attractive and can find much better people to hang out with then you. They have a chance at finding love and being happy just by being themselves.

   After those 10 minutes passed and reality kicked in, you realized that just because one person sees you like that doesn't mean everyone will. Letting Kayla get to your head is what she wanted and you didn't want to give her that satisfaction anymore. Although you believed the stuff she said about your appearance was true, you knew deep down you weren't a bad or annoying person. You wanted to not spend this summer like the past few: shutting everyone out, only really hanging out with the Fishers at family dinners or celebrations, sitting on the beach alone at night, etc. You wanted to just let go and have fun like everyone else did.

   You stand up and grab your phone off of the bed. You realized you didn't have to take it anymore and could just simply block her number, and that's exactly what you did. Although you were still a little upset you decide to head downstairs to see if anyone wanted to go sit and hang out on the beach. As you pass the fridge you decide you wanted to pack a few alcoholic drinks in the cooler that was sitting on the floor beside it because it would allow you to be a little more open and not as shy or nervous. You are 18 turning 19 in a few weeks and your mom trusts you to be a responsible drinker, as you have never proven to her otherwise. While in Conrads case he was in a world of his own and didn't really care what others said even though no one really said anything when he would have an occasional drink. After you packed about 3 for yourself and a few for Conrad you head to the living room where all the kids were playing video games like normal. As you step on the room none of them really notice. Little did you know the second Conrad heard steps down the stairs he glanced over in that direction to see if it was you. When he saw that you started packing drinks he knew something was bothering you, but was happy to see you out of your room which wasn't a normal occurrence.

   "Hey I know you guys are already in the gaming zone, but I was about to head to the beach for a little and was wondering if any of you wanted to tag along" You said with the upmost fake confidence you had mustered inside of you. Their heads shot towards your way surprised to hear your voice. Jeremiah paused the gamed abruptly and stood up.

   "Oh my god thank you! I have been wanting to go, I've been waiting for someone to ask that all day" he replied with excitement before running towards the door. He had been wearing swim bottoms all day so he was more than prepared for the moment someone suggested it.

   Everyone collectively agreed that heading down to the beach would be fun. Happy that they said yes, you turn around and head back over towards the counter to grab your sunglasses. You wait for everyone to grab their things and meet you in the kitchen where Jeremiah was growing very impatient. Once everyone is ready you all head outside and walk towards the path that lead directly to the beach. Steven realized he forgot his sunglasses when he looked over at you and saw that you were wearing some, so he decided he was going to run back to the house quick. And before no time Belly and Jeremiah took off in a sprint racing each other to see who could get to the water first. This left just you and Conrad. Knowing he was about to ask you what had happened you open the cooler and crack open a high noon preparing yourself.

   "Y/n I know you probably won't want to talk about what happened and that's fine, I just wanted to ask if you are really okay." He says as he starts spreading out a beach blanket for all of us to share.

   As you both take a seat you let out a sigh, "Yeah." You pause debating on if you wanted to share anymore of what actually was going on. Fuck it right, if you wanted to be more open there was no better time to start then now. You look over at him and continue. "There is a reason Kayla and I aren't friends anymore. Once we started freshman year she decided to join the cheer team. As she got further into the season she started getting really close to some people on the team, which I didn't really care about because she is allowed to have other friends than just me. But one day I don't know what switched in her, she just started being mean to me and I guess it's been that way ever since".

   He took a second to take that in before replying "Well if she doesn't see you for the truly amazing, smart, kind, beautiful girl you are y/n- then that's her loss. You know it's not your fault and you don't deserve to have to deal with that. I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me that."

   "Thank you for caring enough to listen" you reply looking back over to him to meet his eyes that were already glued on you.

   "I will always care y/n" Before you had time to say anything Steven returned with his shades on. As he started a conversation with Conrad you chug a little more of your drink before reaching in your cooler to grab Conrad one.

   "Think you are going to need this to make it through a conversation with Steven" You say grinning as you toss it over to Conrad.

   "Wow low blow. For your information people love talking to me, what can I say I just have a way with words." He reply's trying to seem cool.

   "You're a dork but I do love you"

   "Love you too sis" he states as he goes back to his convo with Conrad.


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