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Hi there! This is just basic information you'll need in order to understand this book. All characters will be played by their respective actors of the KinnPorsche TV series. All the other characters mentioned will be on my own original characters and fictional settings, too. If I choose to have character inspiration for my OC characters, I want to be clear that the actors portraying my characters have nothing to do with who they are in real life. It's what my imagination is.  

I don't know how often I'll be updating since I'm a third year at a university and I'm currently taking summer courses. That being said, I do have a few chapters ready to go. I just need to edit them. 

I know many of us are huge fans of KimChay and honestly, who isn't? They're absolutely adorable and was supposed to be my comfort ship, but BOC really said "not today."  As much as I adore this couple, I wanted to see write a story where Chay gets to see explore options and get to grow up and react a bit. So, I'm going to try to write Chay and all the other characters as realistic possible as I can. And though this is a MacauChay story, it will feature Kim often, as he is one of the reasons why Chay is adapting to these changes. 

Once again, I like to thank you for clicking on my story and giving it a try. I know it's not to everyone's taste and that's okay. Since, this is the first time I'm actually publishing any of my work, I'm looking for feedback to improve it. So, even if you don't stay till the end of this journey, thanks for checking me out! And also, I don't allow my work to be reposted, as of now. I don't have other platforms that I'm currently using so my work will only be uploaded on this app/website. So thank you guys! 

P.S. This edit is mine and it's what the full cover looks like. Pictures belong to their respective owners. Also, I'll be listing things you'll want to know for this book. 

1. Chay & Macau are both first-year university students. Chay is in the music department and it'll be explained how he encounters Kim in the next chapter. Macau is a business student. 

2. Star & Sorn will be the main characters after our lead couple. I use Star's character based on the friend that appeared in the show. And Sorn was someone I wanted for Macau. I don't believe many friends and outsiders were mentioned in the novel and TV show, but realistically, I believe that we all have at least one close friend, even if they're kept at a distance, outside of our family. 

Sorn is a law student and Star is an engineering student.  

3. This may be a slow-burn book. I like writing in detail, so my chapters might be slightly longer and I'm unsure how many chapters will be published. 

4. I wrote Macau's character to be slightly different from the TV series, so please bare with his perspective. 

5. Since I'm currently updating and editing this, I apologize if it's the same content you'll be seeing! I just wanted to clear on my intentions for this book. Thank you!  

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