Chapter 1: Distance

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Hi guys! Welcome to the first chapter. Though English isn't my first language, it's the language that I do use predominantly so I wrote the story in English. This takes place in episode 11 and after the next couple of chapters, I'll be combining canon KinnPorsche TV series and my own fictional setting. That being said, I hope you enjoy this story and will continue to follow along this journey! Thank you. 

P.S. If you don't ship MacauChay, that's alright. We like what we like or don't like, that's okay and valid. But it's unnecessary to leave hateful or "mean" comments. Yeah? Okay, cool. If you have feedback, feel free to message me! I'm always looking to improve my writing. 

Song: Distance by Junoflo & MANILA GREY. 

The edit is mine but the pictures & the lyrics aren't. Credit goes to their respective owners. 

Chay's POV: 

Chay blinked a couple of times, taking in notice that there was light coming from his open windows. He sighed as he shoved his face deeper into his pillow, but he cringed at the warmness it provided. That's right. I'm not home. He reminded himself as he pushed the pillow away and slowly began to sit up.

When his back hit the cold wall, he felt a little more awake. He turned to find the digital clock on the nightstand that read 5:40 AM; Porsche, his older brother, had mentioned that he didn't have to attend the university if he didn't want to. But it's been almost a week since he missed school and his best friend, Star. There are twenty missed calls, ten texts and two voicemails indicating that Star missed Chay as much as the younger boy did. Besides Porsche, Chay didn't have any other family members and Star was the second closest person he had in his life. And these two were individuals Chay wasn't willing to lose.

He knew that Star had morning classes on Thursdays and since Chay wasn't planning on attending school, his fingers quickly typed out a message asking Star to meet in the afternoon. He didn't wait for a response as he decided since he couldn't go back to sleep that he might wake up, take a shower and get on with his days.

Rough would've been an understatement of how these past weeks have been. From being kidnapped, to living with your brother's mafia boyfriend, then finding out your idol crush/boyfriend only interacted with you because he believed your brother had bad intentions with his brother was a whirlwind of emotions. During this time, Chay believed that he could overcome all the quick changes but he never thought he would've lost his heart in the process.

I mean, was your heart ever mine? Chay thought as he embraced the heavy shower onto his warm skin. He never did say the three special words back; was that my warning? No, Chay shook his head. The first warning was when Kim offered to tutor him in guitar lessons; Chay should've known nobody would want a seventeen-year-old boy with no parents, no money and prospects for more than a charity case. Well jokes on Kim, Chay thought; he's used to having nothing and being okay with it.

Roughly twenty minutes later, he stepped out of the shower stall and wrapped a towel around his waist. Chay took small steps to the sink as he forgot to bring his slippers into the bathroom. He still wasn't used to the grand mirrors, bright lights and granite counters of the bathroom in the hotel. If he was being honest, he misses his tiny shower stall with the tiny window and the way he could hear birds chirping in the early mornings.

When he appeared in front of the large mirrors, he winced at his appearance. His dark circles were now almost baggy and more noticeable than before. His hair was floppy, in need of a haircut, but he decided against it. He liked being able to run his fingers through the thickness. And his eyes. Oh, his once beautiful soft brown eyes were no longer shining.

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