Bad Meeting.

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      I put all of my clothes on the checkout, along with my shoes. "Is that all (y/n)?" I hear a familiar voice say. I didn't look at who was at the checkout before I came up. I looked up and was about to nod when I saw.


      I nod, my hand gripping at the side of my pants. Digging my nails into it. I felt as if I was about to go into another panic attack. But I managed to keep calm. "Okay then, do you think I'll get some tonight?" He says with a smirk. I glare at him. "Chill, it's a joke." He says rolling his eyes. "The total is $50.95" He says. I give him my card, then he puts it in.

      He gives it back and I leave in an instant. "Why leaving so soon (y/n)?" He calls out to me. I turn around and flip him off. I'm pissed. I walk out, ready to go find the boys. But I feel a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. "Wait, I know what I did was wrong, but can you maybe forgive me?" I turn around to see Daniel. I shake my head and brush off his shoulder.

      "Wait" He says trying to pull me back. I push him. "You bitch" He says trying to grab me. I fight back. I manage to get out of his grip and run. "(Y/n)! Are you okay?" I hear a voice say from infront of me. I look up with tears in my eyes. I see Mitch and Scott infront of me.

      "Was it that guy again?!" Scott says looking at me with anger and concern. I nod. Scott goes to the place where I was, and I run to Mitch, hugging him.

~~~~~~~~~~~Mitch's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~
      I hear shuffling from around the corner. "Hey Scott? Do you hear that?" I ask. But before he could answer I see (y/n) running up to us. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?!" I ask, and she looks up with tears in her eyes.

      "Was it that guy again?!" Scott says. She nods. Then Scott takes off around the corner. She runs up and to me and hugs me. I feel that feeling in my stomach. I hug her back, telling her it's okay. Scott comes back around the corner. It was Daniel, but he escaped before I could get him.

      "Are you okay? Do you still want to go shopping or do you want to leave?" Scott asks her. She types on her phone then hands it to him. 'We can stay but I'm staying with yall this time'. "Alright, but we should probably go get some lunch" Scott suggests. "I agree" I say and I finally let go of (y/n).

~~~~~~~~~~(y/n)'s P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~
      I feel Mitch's arms unwrap from around me, and I admit, I didn't want him too. Then we start walking to the smoothie place. I order a banana and strawberry smoothie. The boys order and we get our drinks and pay. I point to a table in the back. They nod and we go sit down.

      "So? What did you get?" Scott asks while taking a drink from his smoothie. I hand him the bags and the shoe box. "Oohh nice!" He says. I nod with a smile. He hand me back my stuff. "Alright, where do you guys wanna go next?" Mitch asks.

      "Hot topic?" Scott asks. I nod. "Okay, I guess hot topic then!" Mitch says. I finish my smoothie then get on my phone for a minute. Waiting for Mitch and Scott to finish.

Unknown Number: I'll be waiting for you :).

Y: Who is this?

U/n: You'll see soon ;)

      "Hey, you okay?" Mitch asks. I shake my head and hand him my phone. "Do you know who it is?" He asks. I shake my head. "Well were here with you." Scott says. I type on my phone 'I don't feel safe here any longer' I hand them the phone.

      "Alright we can go" Mitch says. We get up and throw away our cups. Then make our way to the exit. I get a bad feeling in my stomach. Like somethings about to happen. We walk outside and I look to my right.


      I try to ignore him, but he starts following us. I grab on to Mitch's hand. "Whats up?" He asks. I motion behind us. He looks back. "Oh shit, Scott unlock the car." Mitch says. "Alright, but why?" He asked. Mitch motions behind us. He turns to look then he quickly unlocks the car.

      We hurry and get in. I see Daniel walk the other way. I barely made it. "That was close." Mitch says. I nod. I noticed something in Daniel's hand tho, a knife. I push away the thought and feeling. I buckle myself in. Then we leave the mall.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
      I sit on the couch while scrolling on my phone. Still shaken up at the thought of the knife. I was still shaking. I feel my body weaken. Another panic attack. I quickly put my phone down and go to the bathroom.

      I sit infront of the door and put my knees to my chest and put my arms around my knees. I bury my head into my knees. Falling into a pit of darkness. Then see people looking at me. Watching my every move. Then pointing and laughing.

      "STOP, GO AWAY" I scream at them. They don't stop tho. "Stop.. p-please... Stop.." I say through tears. I feel a sharp pain in my leg. I snap out of the darkness.

      "(Y/n)?! Are you okay?!?!" I hear a voice yelling through the door. They must have heard muffled crying. I look down at my leg. It was bleeding from me digging my nails into it. It hurts badly. I cry in pain. "Let me in (y/n)" I hear a quiet voice say.

      I move from the door and it opens. I then see Mitch walk in. "Oh my gosh (y/n)" I see his face go pale. I turn my head away from him. Then the pain sharpens. I tilt my head back and whine in pain. "Let me get the first-aid kit." He says panicked..

      He soon comes back with it and sits down. "Okay I'm gonna clean it Alright?" I nod, tears still coming. He puts a wipe on it and I grab onto his shoulder. The cuts were deep. I must've dug hard. He then puts bandages around my leg. I let out a breath I've been holding. I let go of his shoulder.

      I wipe away my tears and sigh in relief. My body still weak. I get up slowly then hold onto the door and the counter.

      I make my way out, holding onto Mitch, then I sit on the couch. Sighing of relief. Mitch sits next to me and then we chat for a bit. I tilt my head back, then close my eyes. Drifting off to sleep. Listening to Mitch hum a song. I could listen to him all day.

(A/n): I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's longer than all of them. And there's some good surprises in this one.

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