Chapter 7

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(Dreams pov)

I was in my kitchen with Sapnap, Wilbur, Phil and Karl sitting on the lounge.

The kitchen was in a different part of the dorm to the lounge room. I grab a glass of water and fill it up. I walk into the lounge room and sit next to Phil.

"So Dream" Phil says. I look at Phil.

"Heard you have a siren following you" Phil says

"Yeah" I say. I pulled out my note book and look through it.

I flip open the page with George eating the meat and I put it on the table. Everyone looks at it. Phil flips over the page, there was weird writing on the page.

"Siren language" Phil says "Seems the siren got a hold of your book"

I look at the language and for some reason it was slowly turning to English.

"I can read it" I say

"How?!" Sapnap says

"Not sure" I say

"What does it say?" Phil asks

"For when you read this you will follow, down the beach to your grave down down down you go I'll be waiting in my throne soon to have you by..." I stop as my head slowly hurts "My..." My head starts pounding "Side..." I pass out and fall to the ground in a bang.


Was the last thing I hear.


I wake up in the collage ward. I look to my side to see a oxygen machine on me as well as a IV.

My skin is pale and I look at a mirror to see my eyes were a light green not the emerald green anymore. My teacher walks in and walks to my side.

He sits on the bed and looks at me.

"W-whats g-going on?" I ask

"That siren cursed you" The teacher says "He made it so if you read that note it will...kill you"

"H-he would n-never do that" I say

"Dream" The teacher says "Your dieing right now"

I watch as my teacher starts crying.

"I can't be!" I say

"I am not laying" The teacher says "Unless we can lift the curse"

I slowly close my eyes.

"No no no! Dream!"

I was asleep


I wake up but just barely. I look around to see Sapnap.

"I- I don't w-want to die" I say

"You don't have a choice" Sapnap says. Sapnap was crying badly.

Then I think about that one line.

Down to the beach to your grave.

"Sapnap" I say "When I die take my body to the beach"

"Okay" Sapnap says

"Thank you for being here for me Sapnap" I say "Continue my work and make sure you finish collage for me"

"I will" Sapnap says

"I believe in you" I say. Phil walks in and sits down next to me.

"Hey mate" Phil says "Y-you don't have long left so say what you would like to say now"

"Phil you have always been a father to me thank you" I say "And Sapnap, ask out Karl yeah you need to"

"I will" Sapnap says

"Rest Dream, you have done well in this world" Phil says

"Thank you guys" I say. I close my eyes and fall into darkness.

I look around the darkness. The light takes me out off the darkness.

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