umm phil..?

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Tommy and puffy traveled through the snow it was cold, but it wasn't unbearable. Tommy was getting tired and ansy he really just wanted to cuddle up to his brothers and have techno read to them.

Puffy is also getting ansy, but for very different reason. She's quite worried about Phil to put it plainly. Tommy one time brought up Phil and Tommy's last conversation and she's worried that Phil won't want him around or techno will be instead of Phil, and we all know how techno feels about Tommy. She gets pulled out of her thoughts by a light she sees in the distance. She starts to walk fast, theres no point to try and delay the inevitable.

As she starts walking up the steps to the house she realizes Tommy's asleep, and God he looks so cute she hasn't seen him this relaxed in years; she honestly forgot what I looked like on him. His thumb is in his mouth and his other hand is gripping on to her shirt in a gentle fist. As she gets to the top of the stairs she wait a second and contemplates if she really wants to do this, Tommy's vulnerable right now and any of them could harm him. Then again no one else can take care of him except for them. She truly doesn't have any options, this is the last resort. She raises her cold fist to the door and knocks three times. After a second she can hear shuffling on the inside, as she waits she contemplates just leaving with Tommy, the idea getting more and more appealing every second.

Right as she's about to turn and leave with the blond boy the door swings open and a sword is pointed at right her. That's when she looks up and sees it no other then Technoblade with a certain Soot right behind him with his own crossbow.


Techno and wilbur are peacefully sitting on the couch reading, well techno is; he has absolutely no idea what wilbur is doing. Suddenly there are three sharp knocks on the door, his and wils head shoot up and stare at it. And just like that their up and grabbing their weapons of choice, techno swings open the the door so harshly is almost flyes off the hindges.

Standing right at his door step is puffy and carrying something..someone he doesn't know. He immediately lowers his sword and wilbur lowers his crossbow, puffy shoots both of them unimpressed looks.

"Who's that?" Wilburs questions, puffy looks about ready to bolt, her expression filled with doubt, and hesitants. "Tommy." She says quietly with a slight venom, she almost thinks they don't hear her with how they don't seem to move or do anything. "What," Techno say his tone dripping with confusion "No that's not Tommy's, Tommy's 18 tall, and definitely not a baby" wilburs entirely stunned, he never thought he would see tommy thing young again. Maybe this is their second chance to be a good family for him. For tommy to actually be a kid.

Wil soon snaps out of is and shoves techno out of the way and starts reaching for Tommy's sleeping form. There's no doubt in his mind that puffy can't see the desperation in his eyes. Puffy very hesitantly let's him come close enough to grab him and hands him to wilbur.

Wilburs truly thrilled, his eyes light up when he sees Tommy's sleeping face, 'he's so fucking cute' is the only thing he can think. Thumb still in his mouth, and a calm expression as he snuggles closer to wilburs chest. He realizes that techno is looking over his shoulder and looking at their younger brother. After awhile of them admiring their youngest, techno remembers puffys still there and staring at them. So techno promptly slams the door in her face, he looks down at tommy remembering he's sleeping and sees him give the cutest yawn ever and try to get closer to his brother, his eyes slowly flutter open and blue eyes meet red and he's immediately making grabby hands at him.

Techno slowly shuffles away trying to not make tommy upset, but not really wanting to be around him; as much as his instincts scream at him for doing so

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