oh shite

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Techno sits there in shock after he heard tommy say that. His instincts start going crazy 'who is scaring our runt' and 'we need to protect him' are some of the only things he can make out through the mass omounts of screaming.He was trying to get in there so he could help tommy, not scare him more. He wanted to remind tommy that he was safe around him 'he was never truly safe around you was he though' one of the many voices he hears says. He knows Growing up he didn't interact with tommy basically at all, but his instincts loved him he was his runt as much as he didn't act like it. He sighs "Wilbur can I come in?"

He knows techno is sitting there in shock or at least he hopes so, growing up they weren't the best to tommy, he was a lot younger then them so it was kind of hard to. Phil left once tommy turned about 2 and so wilbur felt the need to step up and at least try to be there for tommy. So that's what he did and as much as it wasn't easy is was rewarding in every way possible, wibur feels horrible for how he treated tommy in pogtopia, and all he has ever wanted to do is be there for his son "Wilbur can I come in?"

He looks down and tommy is asleep in his arms, tightly cluching onto his shirt. There was no way in hell he setting down his baby. He slowing goes over and unlocks the door and backs up so techno con open is with hitting him after about 3 seconds the door slowly opens and technoblade walks in slowly.

When he opens the door all he sees is wilbur standing there in the middle of the room holding a sleeping tommy in a very protective manner techno can very easily tall that wilbur has slipped into his piglin instincts.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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