so this is really happening

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As techno shuffles away wilbur is confused but brushes it off. Wilbur looks down and sees tommy looking at him, and quckily but carrfully runs him to their shared den, it sinks in that he is holding his little brother as he is a baby but just a couple days before he was 18.

Wilbur is still stunned as he stands here holding his half asleep baby brother but he's ACCUALLY A BABY. He realizes that their going to get to take care of him again. This time they arnt going to fail him. He starts to come to as he hears tommy say something he doesn't quite catch. He looks up and quickly sets a sleeping tommy on the bed and wraps him up in a bunch of blankets

After he does so he goes to lay down with tommy he hears the door open and he immediately starts to growl at who ever was their. He looks up and makes eye contact with techno, at th3 same time he stops growling. Techno quickley grabs him and starts drawing him out of the room and down the hall
"Tech- come on let go- what are you doi-" he's abruptly cut of by a low growl from techno. They make it to their destination, which happens to be the living room and techno practicly sets him on the couch.
"What.the.fuck." techno says with true, anger dripping from his words
"How- how is he a baby, I don't want to deal with a child that-"
"What the fuck do you mean you don't wanna 'deal' with him?!" Wilbur cuts him off mid sentence in a blind rage.
" I mean I don't wanna deal with him. Last time he was living with me all he did was steal from me and take my kindness for granted. Then- then he literally betrayed me."

"What the hell techno! Hes a baby now he literally doesn't know that he did that, plus he was like 13 when that fucking happened! What the fuck did you expect?!" He basically growls at the pinkette

"Exacly he was 13 he should have known better then to leave his own brother! I expected better from him! I taught him better.!"

"No you fucking didn't, none of us did! You know for a fact that Growing up you wanted nothing to do with him! You didn't even talk to him for fucks sake!" The brunette harshly says and earns a slight whimper from techno

"That's cause he's a fucking brat. A. Fucking. Brat. He-"

The pinkette gets cut off by a loud sob, him and wilbur immediately look over and see tommy at the bottom of the steps trying to smother his sobs, with shaky hands. He hiccups into his hand, and it snaps them both back into reality. Techno takes a step to go and comfort the kid as his instincts demand he does, and tommy harshly flinches. Techno's in shock. Tommy, his baby brother, 'his runt' the voices scream and he pushes them down; is scared of him.

Wilbur jumps and and basically runs over to tommy, the blond reaches up for the brunette, wilbur couldn't have picked him up faster. The minute he does he races up the stairs to their den, and locks the door to try and calm tommy down. As he bounces tommy on his hip and shushes him in a comforting manner, tomny slowly starts to calm down. He suddenly hears somebody starts to jingle the door nob,  when it doesn't work they start to bang on the door.

Tommy immediately in thrown back into hysterics, he's sobbing loudly and the banging only gets louder. Then he hears a growl. It quite obviously techno, and it's scaring tomm-

"Pl-please *sob* stop *sniff* you're sc-scaring me *sob*." That throws wilbur out of this almost haze he's in. Tommy's basically whispering he knows techno can't hear him.

"Wil-wilby *sniff* please m-make h-him *sob* st-op." Wilbur is desperate for techno to stop at this point, Tommy's barley breathing anymore. He goes over to the door, and he knows techno can hear tommy
"Wilby *sob* pl-please make *sniff* stop *sob* h-h-hes sca-ring *sob* me." Techno immediately stops, but doesn't leave. Tommy is still in hysterics and is still barely breath, so as tommy gasps for air and wilbur shushes him kindly techno sits there in shock.

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