The Doctor's Mouth

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Mercy's skilled medical work allowed Jason a quicker than normal recovery for someone with his type of injuries. A day after he was brought into Mercy's lab, his wounds were bandaged and healed.

Mercy noticed that Jason was rather quiet. After their initial meeting, barely a word came out of his mouth. He also seemed nervous, as if there was something he didn't want her to know, yet desperately wanted to tell her. Mercy wanted him to open up to her, so after finishing up her daily studies, she went over to Jason to talk to him.

Jason was lying in bed, peacefully daydreaming, when he was startled by the sensation of his arm being touched. He looked to see Mercy putting her arm on his.

Mercy: Oops, sorry Jason! I didn't mean to startle you.

Jason: It's okay, Mercy.

Mercy: I just wanted to ask if you needed anything from me?

Jason: No, I don't think so?

Mercy: Well is there anything you want to talk to me about? Any interests you want to inform me on?

Jason: Well… could I ask you to do something for me?

Mercy: Sure, Jason. What would that be?

Jason paused for a moment.

Jason: Um… could I look inside your mouth?

Mercy: What?!

Jason: Nevermind! Sorry for asking!

Mercy: No, no, it's alright. I was just surprised by the request. It wasn't one I was expecting, but sure, I'll let you look inside my mouth.

Mercy bent forward towards Jason's face so he would be allowed a good view. She made sure her lips were level with his eyes.

Mercy: How's this?

Jason: It's perfect.

Mercy: Alright, here you go.

Mercy opened her mouth, allowing Jason to see her tongue and the chewing surface of her teeth. She did not, however, show her uvula.

Jason: Mercy, could you lower the back of your tongue so I can see your throat? Maybe even stick it out?

Mercy gave him a thumbs up to indicate she understood. She promptly lowered her tongue, allowing Jason to see her gaping throat and the long slender uvula dangling in the middle.

Jason was awestruck by the sight of Mercy's open mouth. It was like a dark cave, glistening with moist saliva and an ever shifting structure. The flexing of the throat as she breathed and did her best to keep her mouth open was almost hypnotic.

Mercy held her mouth open like this for another 5 minutes before Jason noticed her getting tired of holding it like that.

Jason: That's good enough, Mercy. You can close your mouth now.

Mercy closed her mouth upon hearing Jason.

Mercy: Thank you, Jason. I hope you enjoyed looking inside my mouth. Say, why is it that you wanted to look inside my mouth? Most people wouldn't ask to look inside such a gross place.

Jason felt the joy die inside of him as his head slumped down in embarrassment.

Mercy: No, no don't be ashamed, Jason! I didn't mean to insult you! I'm just curious as to why you had such an unusual request?

Mercy smiled at Jason, hoping he would respond. Unfortunately, he remained silent.

Mercy: You can tell me later when you're feeling better. Is that alright, Jason?

Jason remained silent. Mercy sighed and walked off.

Mercy: Well this is great! I get to do him a request and I end up making him feel ashamed. I really want him to open up about his fascination with my mouth, maybe do things with him revolving around it. In time I will, but for now I'll give him some time to rest.

Mercy then went about to continue her studies, all while formulating a plan to brighten up Jason's day.

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