The Buried Desire

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It had been a few hours since Mercy gave Jason a peak at her maw. That maw was all he could think about as he laid in bed. The image in his head of the wide open, drooling and moist mouth was making Jason's heart race like a supersonic jet as it rapidly pumped blood through his body. A good portion of that blood was flowing toward his legs.

Jason's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he once again felt the sensation of his arm being touched. As before, he looked up to see it was Mercy. Jason jumped in his bed, afraid of her after what happened earlier.

Jason: Please Mercy, I'm sorry I asked to look inside your…

Mercy suddenly put her finger up to Jason's lips and shushed him in the most motherly way possible.

Mercy: Calm down Jason! It's alright, I'm not mad. I'm not even bothered by what you requested.

Jason: You're not?

Mercy smirked at how confused Jason was.

Mercy: Of course I'm not. Honestly, I'm a bit flattered that you made a request to me.

Jason flushed red, contrasting nicely with his green hair.

Mercy: I only want to ask you something, if you're comfortable answering.

Jason: What is it?

Mercy: Why did you want to look inside my mouth?

Jason began to feel nervous.

Mercy: I promise I won't judge you Jason, regardless of your answer.

Jason gave a heavy sigh as he gained the confidence he needed to answer her.

Jason: Alright, I'll tell you.

Jason, through many stutters and hesitations, explained to Mercy that he had a fetish for girls' mouths and giantess vore, how he had developed a crush on her and how he dreamed of one day meeting her and getting to look inside her mouth.

Jason was astonished with himself; he was actually able to tell Mercy his deepest secret. Mercy herself was taken aback by what the boy had told her and she was very pleased with him.

Mercy: So that's what you've been wanting to tell me?

Jason nodded his head nervously.

Mercy: Aw! You shouldn't have to feel so nervous.

Jason: You're not bothered?

Mercy: Well I must admit that I've never heard of such a desire before and it is peculiar, but I'm honestly fascinated by it.

Jason: Are you gonna tell someone about this?

Mercy: Of course not, your secret is safe with me Jason.

Jason: Thanks Mercy!

Mercy: The pleasure is all mine.

With his secret safe, Jason laid his head back down on his pillow and returned to daydreaming about Mercy's mouth. As the angelic medic walked away, the gears in her brain began cracking to find a way to bring Jason's fantasy to life. Needless to say, the young man had no way of knowing what was coming.

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