A Little Helping Hand

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Mercy spent the entire night formulating a plan and finding a way to make Jason's fantasy happen. The one issue that kept popping up was the near impossibility of shrinking a human down. She tried to see if there was some chemical change or something along those lines that could do the trick, but she came up with nothing. Out of options, Mercy decided to call an old friend: Winston.

Mercy initiated a call on her advanced computer in her personal space.

Mercy: Hopefully Winston isn't too busy. I want to make Jason's dream a reality as soon as possible.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before she got an answer.

Winston: Hey there Mercy, what can I do for you?

Mercy: Hey Winston, I need to know if you have some sort of device or anything that can shrink living things down?

Winston: I don't believe I do, but I can certainly make something for you. Why do you need something like that?

Mercy: I'm afraid that information is confidential.

Winston: Alright, as long as you use it responsibly, I'll cook something up. Give me two days and I'll have it sent to your lab.

Mercy: Excellent. I'll be expecting an on time arrival.

Winston: Will do. Catch you later Mercy.

Mercy: Same to you Winston.

Two days had passed when Winston's creation arrived at Mercy's lab. Opening it up, she found a bottle of special shrinking pills. Reading the label, she saw that the pills shrink the subject down to a height of 1 inch an hour after ingestion. It also stated that the effects wear off after 24 hours. Mercy decided to test the pills on a rat she had in her possession. After she gave the rat a pill, she waited an hour to see what happened. To her delight, the pill worked as advertised.

Mercy: Thank you Winston. Now I can make Jason's dream come true. All I need is for him to take the pill, make the necessary safety precautions and we're set.

For the next 24 hours or so, Mercy made the necessary equipment, including a protective suit that had a high end lighting system installed. With the equipment, Jason would be able to explore her inner workings without any risk to his safety. The icing on the cake was when the rat grew back to normal size after the allotted time. Mercy smiled a big, wide smile.

Mercy: Jason is gonna love this!

Soon Mercy was putting the finishing touches on her plan to make Jason's dreams come to life… and take him on a firsthand journey into her digestive system.

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