I Want You

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I want you. I want you so badly. More than you will ever know. I want your arm around me. I want to hold your hand. I want you to care about me. I want you. And only you. Your the only person that has ever made me feel like this. I've been wishing on starts and dandelions so that we can be together. I want you. I want you to kiss me like the whole world is watching. I want to spend everyday with you. I want you to hug me so tightly that I can't breathe. I want to see you smile. I want to see you and honor you at your highest. And I want to help you at your lowest. I want to be the reason you smile. I want you to think about me every second just like I think about you. I want you to hold me and tell me that everything is going to be ok and I want to trust you. I want to go do stupid shit together and be weird together. I don't want you to be scared to show me the real you. I want to wipe all your tears and give you the biggest hugs. I want to watch sunrises and sunsets together. I want to stay up all night laughing with you. I want to be with you so so so badly and I want you to feel the same. But most importantly I want you to love me like no one else in the world matters. I want you to love me.

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