A New World

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Bold= Jill's Voice over

Bold Italic= Jack's Voice over

Normal= Story

Okay so that happened.

And every day after that it was like living in a whole new world!

New World, day 1.

The twins are sitting around in the tree house being bored, Jill resting her head on a picnic table and Jack lying his back on said picnic table, whistling and patting his stomach.

Day 3.

Jack is lying on the ground with Jill, when their stomachs' start to grumble. They hadn't eaten in three days if Jill was remembering correctly. Jack saw a bug crawling around near him, his hunger getting the better of him he grabbed the bug and was about to eat it. before turning his head away in disgust.

Jill then spotted a box that was up in the rafters and gasped "LOOT BOX! Courtesy of our lame-o foster brother." Jack saw what she was talking about, flicked the bug away and started to help his sister with getting the box down.

It only took two tries to grab the rope that was tied to the box, and with one pull the box came crashing down on top of Jack. Jack sniffed the air and got a whiff of what was in the box

"Cheese singles, Chocolate Creamies, Onion Ring-a-Lings, Slightly expired Sour Ranch Tortitos!"


"That is if we can get it opened." Jill pointed out though Jack was already picking the lock, when that didn't work he tried gnawing at the lock. Jill just sat and watched her brother's struggle, she knew how to open the box but she wasn't gonna tell him where's the fun in that?

"Delicious foods, you will be ours!" Jack yelled at the box, he then gave the box a beating with a wooden baseball bat he found, yet the box still refused to be opened.

Sighing in defeat Jack dropped the bat and laid his head on the box, the lock finally opened with a click. "Yes!"

Jill opened the box's lid with one hand and looked inside. There was all kinds of junk food in there, popcorn, chips, candy bars, even a family sized soda bottle which Jill had no idea how it fitted in the box " Ok, there's enough here to last us months." Jack said with a determined face "I just gotta be responsible."

'Yeah that's not gonna happen' Jill thought, cut to their being junk food wrappers, bags, and empty soda bottles all over the place. Jack and Jill were eating pretty much everything and living like royalty. Now Jill was more responsible than Jack don't get her wrong but she hadn't eaten in three days, and also this to her felt like payback because their foster brother was a jerk to them. Also hey it's the end of the world basically, so what you gonna do?

Day 16

Jack and Jill were going up a steep hill with a shopping cart full of more junk food, but also some healthy things that wouldn't spoil anytime soon because Jill insisted on it, that the twins had raided from the shopping center. A girl zombie (A/N: Do zombies have genders?) tried to grab the twins but luckily there was a fence between the three, so the zombie only succeeded in getting a scare out of them.

The twins jumped out of the way still which was a mistake as their shopping cart filled with food started to roll back down the hill

"No! No! No! We need that to live!" Jack screamed chasing after the cart while Jill sighed before following her brother. The zombie giving them what looked like a confused look.

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