Dirk Savage and Wretches

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        "JACK LOOK OUT!" Jill warned pointing to a figure that was coming into view, luckily Jack swerved in time, he then slammed on the brakes "Was that a monster or a person?" Jack asked

"Both. It's Dirk Savage."

Jill felt her body tense up at the name of her secret crush, "Mother of crudballs, he's alive!" she whispered "We should go" Jack said he was starting up the car before Jill grabbed his arm, "Wait" was all she said before she unbuckled her seat-belt, she was going to talk to Dirk Savage. "What are you doing?" Quint asked "Just a little friendly chitchat." Jill explained while opening her door

"No, wait!" Jack grabbed her arm trying to pull her back into the car "Jack, Quint, we can't just leave him." Jill said "He's a survivor, like us. And we survivors got to stick together." She then got out of the car "Fine! But if he kills you, it's your funeral." Quint stated, at that Jill just rolled her eyes before closing the car door, walking up to Dirk

Dirk heard Jill coming and turned around to look at her, sheathing a shovel while doing so. The two just stood there looking at each other for a couple of seconds, kinda looking like they were about to duel like in those cowboy shows. Meanwhile, Jack and Quint just watched from the car, Jack debating whether or not he should go protect his little sister from this bully that she was looking at, Quint on the other hand was staring on in fear for one of his best friends.

Jill decided that the silence between her and Dirk was getting awkward, and since it was obvious that Dirk wasn't going to break the silence she was gonna have to do it, "Sup?" She said though it came out more like a question rather than a statement. Dirk then gasped before running at Jill, which made her put her arms up in a defensive way, Jack and Quint went wide-eyed, Jack was just about to jump out of the car before Quint stopped him "Wait friend, look." Quint pointed

Dirk wasn't running at Jill he was running at something that was behind her "Behind you dummy!" he shouted, getting Jill to turn around only to see a "!" Dirk shouted again "Get down!" Jill ducked allowing Dirk to jump over her to grab the feet of the winged beast. Dirk then swung the Wretch into a nearby building. The trio looked at Dirk in shock, said teen looked on as the Winged Wretch flew away before looking at Jill.

"You're welcome," he said grunting before walking off leaving Jill, He then went over to a drain pipe and broke it causing water to flow out, which he drank from. Meanwhile, Jill was getting off the ground when Jack and Quint came running over all three of them looking at Dirk, who was now washing his face with the water, "So, um, Dirk, what are you-- I mean, do you want to, like hang out?" Jack stammered out sure Jack didn't want to actually hang out with the man but, hey, the man just saved his sister so he might as well try to thank Dirk.

"We have a tree house. There's room if you want to--" Jack offered before being cut off by Dirk, "What would I want with you two dorks?" He questioned. That made Jill pause he only said 'two' so does that mean he doesn't see her as a dork? She'll have to ask later... that is if Dirk does decide to come with them "You can still do the whole 'tough guy, loner thing, ''just do it with us." Jack said pointing to Jill and Quint

"Uh-uh." Dirk said turning away from the water "Can't be a loner unless you're alone."

"Well, that's a point," Jack thought "But I still think you'd be better off with us."

Dirk walked up to the trio and looked at them like he was a General about to decide who was going into the field or something "Please don't eat me." Quint squeaked making Jill facepalm. Dirk grunted before walking off "Okay, whatever. We're going. Enjoy your solitude" Jack said before leading Jill and Quint back to the car. Jill looked back at Dirk before looking away with a disappointed look in her eye, she was really hoping that he would come with them. "Dude, you thinking of Ice-cream for dinner?" Jack asked Quint "Yeah, I could go for some Ice-cream. Jill?"

"Sure why not."

"ALL RIGHT!" Dirk shouted running back to the trio, "But only because you two would totally die without me." While Dirk was saying this Jack hid a smirk like he had planned this, Quint looked worried which was understandable, Jill on the other hand looked excited, but she hid it with a small smile. The quartet then heard a monster screeching "I believe we may, all four, die together." Quint said before pointing at the Winged Wretch from before, which was being followed by three other Wretches "Look! He's back, and he's brought, friends!"

The Wretches began to corner them "RUN!" Dirk yelled as they all ran to the car, Jack was momentarily snatched by a Wretch before being pulled back down by Quint "Thanks, buddy!"

"Anytime, friend!" The two of them were then grabbed by Dirk and thrown into the two front seats of the car, while Jill and Dirk clambered into the back. Jack started the car and raced off but they were still being followed by the Winged Wretches "So many! It's like they've been drawn from all over town!" Quint said worryingly

Dirk spotted the megaphone from earlier and picked it up "Gee I wonder why!" He said with sarcasm making Jack groan "Of course. What was I thinking?" He asked himself before taking the megaphone from Dirk "This is perfect." Jack then started to yell into the megaphone making the others cover their ears "OKAY, ALL WINGED MONSTERS, PLEASE DISPERSE, GO AWAY, PLEASE--!" He was cut off by Jill grabbing the megaphone away from him "What are you doing?" she asked her twin before breaking the megaphone in half.

"Aw, I need that to find June Del Toro, you know that Jill." Jack whined "What? What do you want with her?" Dirk questioned, "Last I saw her she was over by Lumber Party."

"YOU SAW JUNE!?" Jack laughed excitedly before going into what Jill likes to call 'June World' basically it's a world in Jack's head where there are only floating June heads and romantic music.

"JACK, COME BACK!" Quint yelled

"JACK" Jill screamed

"HEY, DINGUS!" Dirk shouted Jack was then snapped out of his fantasy, just in time to swerve out of the way of an oncoming Wretch. "You saw June? How was she?" Did she ask about me? Why was she at Lumber Party?" Jake bombarded Dirk with questions "HOW SHOULD I KNOW?" Dirk furrowed his eyebrows "She might still be there, trapped! In mortal danger! In need of rescuing and saving!" Jack realized "This. Is. Great!"

"Sure. Yeah. Great." Jill said looking up at the Wretches that were circling them before looking at her brother, "but we may not SURVIVE long enough to celebrate!" While all this was happening Quint was frantically writing in a notebook about something, probably about the Winged Wretches cause he keep looking up at them from time to time. "Wanna bet?" Jack asked before slamming on the breaks making two Wretches slam head first into each other knocking both of them out, before Jack started the car again.

The other two Wretches slammed into the car making it swerve onto another street "To save June Del Toro, I will let nothing stop us." Jack said determined, before driving full speed towards a broken down gas station

"Uh, Jack? That's too low." Quint warned but Jack kept on driving towards it

"You're going to hit the-- You're gonna hit--" Before Quint could finish he, Jill, and Dirk braced for an impact that never came, cause the car luckily was low enough to drive through, the two other Wretches, on the other hand, crashed into the gas station making it explode.

Everyone had different reactions, Jack was happy that whatever he just did worked, Quint was still screaming, Dirk looked horrified, and Jill had this blank look on her face but her eyes were wide with shock. Suddenly there was a beep coming from the car making everyone look at it, "Uh, looks like we're low on gas." Jack said making Quint, Dirk, and Jill look at him annoyed. "Hmm, where might we procure some around here?" Quint asked rhetorically "Ugh, I never should have agreed to hang with you three." Dirk said annoyed

Jack drove back to the tree house where he dropped off Dirk, Quint, and Jill before grabbing a gas tank, and a drone, and he was off to go get gas. Little did Jack know he was going to get more than just gas that day.

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