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"I got to document this 'cause today is major," Jack said looking at the drone that he was recording from. "Because as soon as I get some gas for Big Mama, we're going to complete the ultimate feat of apocalyptic success-- Rescuing June Del Toro. And I know exactly how it's gonna go"

Cut to Jack having a fantasy with rigged mountains and a green sky with black clouds, Fantasy June is lying on the ground in between two growling giganto-monsters. "Won't some tall, attractive middle-schooler save a damsel in distress?" Fantasy June asked dramatically in Jack's horrible girl voice "NEVER FEAR!" a shadowy figure said before jumping down, revealing it was Jack. "Jack Sullivan is here."

The two Fantasy Giganto-monsters looked at Fantasy Jack before roaring, Fantasy Jack easily took them down, before hugging Fantasy June, "Yep, definitely going to be like that."

Jack opened his eyes and saw he was hugging a statue of a yellow man, "Sorry, sir." He apologized before turning around and gasping "A gas station I haven't exploded yet!" He quickly took the gas tank and a gas pump that a car was using before it was abandoned and quickly filed up the gas tank. Jack was just about to head back when he saw a mint air freshener hanging from the car's rear-view mirror, "Ooh, free Cologne."

He grabbed the air freshener, snapping it off of the mirror, before rubbing it under his arms,(A/N: ew) "Gotta smell good for the big day." A picture then fell from the car's sun visor onto Jack's lap making him look down. The photo showed a mom, dad, a sister, and a brother along with a dog, all five of them happy. Jack turned the photo over to discover words on the back, "Blake family reunion. Love you guys." He read before turning the photo back over, a sad expression on his face "Oh, man." He sighed

He put the photo back and looked at the drone that was still recording, "Those people in the picture, I envy them." Jack slid down to the floor of the gas station "Even though they're probably zombies by now. At least they had a chance to be a family, a real family." "Jill and I, we never had that. Although now, with her, Quint and Dirk and..." Jack paused before snapping out of his saddened state "Oh, uh, note to self: edit out all this emotional stuff later." He noted while getting off the ground, grabbing the gas tank, and walking off "Gotta maintain my cool, action hero exterior. Boom--"

Right as he said that something rammed straight into him, knocking him down in the process, making Jack scream. Jack looked up at what had just rammed into him, to see a furry blue dog-like monster that snarled at Jack, before it licked his face, "Ugh. Blech. Uh. Saliva overload." Jack grimaced as the monster kept licking him "Now get off of me, you overgrown mutt monster." He held his hands in front of him trying to block any more licks before getting up.

The blue monster sniffed Jack, making the boy pull out the air freshener from his pocket "Is this what you want? Here, go fetch, boy." Jack threw the air freshener which caused the monster to chase after it. Jack backed away getting the gas tank and was about to make a run for it, before the mutt monster came back, air freshener in its mouth offering for Jack to throw it again. "Whoa. Um, no, you can keep it." Jack tossed the air freshener in the same direction as last time, (making the mutt monster chase after it again) before running off.

But he barely got a few steps in before hearing whining which made him turn around, only to see that the dog monster now had the drone in its mouth. "Hey, give me that. That's how I document my coolness." Jack snatched the drone from the monster's mouth, which made said monster whine. "Stay back." Jack yelled at the beast "I don't have time to play, okay?" He said sternly

A thud was heard and Jack looked to see the beast on its back like it wanted belly rubs, "Sorry, boy, you'll just have to get your belly rubbed elsewhere." Jack apologized before running off "Oh, and thanks again for not killing me." The mutt monster looked at where Jack had run off too with a confused expression on its face.

The Last Kids on Earth Book 1 |Oc x Dirk|Where stories live. Discover now