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Hello and welcome to the rewrite i'm sure a few of you were looking forward to, if not...well your still welcomed here. Anyway I know this took a while but I wanted this shit planned out in advance, the original wasn't planned at all and I was shocked to see it got as popular as it did. 

I decided to rewrite the story as I was rereading the original to keep the continuity, I thought this story deserved better writing then what I was doing at the time. I know a lot of people liked the original and I am thankful but I'm sure several of the ones who read the whole thing could tell I wasn't the best. 

I'm still not the best but I am leagues better then I was at writing. I'll stop rambling on now, thank you for hopping on this crazy train that will be "Izuku Midoriya: The Ghost Rider" and I hope you enjoy.


Sleep was the last thing on Izuku's mind as he sat in his chair watching the computer with a wide smile. Izuku Midoriya was born into a world where super heroes, once a thing of fiction, were a very real occupation. Izuku always had a fascination with heroes, even desiring to be one. When he turns five his parents plan to take him to the quirk doctor and that's only a few days away.

Izuku was watching his favorite video of all time. The video was one he'd seen thousands of times up to this point, it was old disaster footage from roughly 10-20 years ago. The footage was the debut of Izuku's and the world's greatest hero, All Might. Izuku watched as All Might saved the people while making his debut, his smile infectious. If Izuku knew he wouldn't wake his parents he'd be jumping with joy and laughing, but for now he settled for vibrating with excitement, "All Might's the greatest!" Izuku whisper yelled, while pumping his hands, "And when I get my quirk I'll be just like All Might!"

Izuku's mind filled with him battling villains and saving innocent people with a laugh and a big grin on his face.

"It's him! The greatest hero ever, Might Jr!"

Izuku bounded over a building with his cape flowing behind him, he lands in the street with a loud crash and points towards a robot holding a young girl hostage, "You, dirty Villain, let the girl go or face the wrath of my smash's!" Izuku announced valiantly.

The robot began sweating bolts and shaking, "M-might Jr! I-i'll let her go, j-just don't beat me up!"

The robot lets the girl go and she runs past Izuku. Izuku claps his hands forward and causes a shockwave to slam into the robot sending him flying over the rooftops, "AHHHH I'LL GET YOU, MIGHT JR!!!!!!!!"

Izuku laughs heroically as people begin cheering his name and All Might appears clapping for him as well.

Izuku held his All Might figure in the air with a bright smile, "I knew you could do it, Might Jr!" He whispered as he imitated All Might. He continued watching the video on repeat even as the time passed 3 A.M.

Izuku knew that in the next few days he'd be capable of being the greatest hero in the world. Nothing could stop him.


"Sorry kid, it's just not happening." The quirk doctor states rather bluntly. Izuku froze up with a strained smile.

"Wait, so you believe somethings wrong with Izuku?" Hisashi Midoriya asks. Hisashi was a little older than the woman next to him, he had short raven black hair with slight graying at his temple from the stress of his job. His eyes seemed to resemble a dim inferno, being a soft hue of orange. The most eye-catching feature however was the wisps of smoke that would escape his mouth from time to time.

Izuku Midoriya: The Ghost Rider (Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora