Old Habits

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Howdy, been a while ain't it? I'd like to first apologize for that but I do have an explanation which I will explain down below as well as announcing something. Hopefully, you all will understand and I hope you enjoy the chapter.


"Why was the number six hero standing next to you?"

"How do you know each other?"

"When did you meet?"

These were just a few of the questions Izuku had been assaulted with as soon as he and the triplets had gotten home. He'd deflected the questions as best he could but that stopped working after they tackled him and dragged him to a wooden chair before tying him to it and placing a collapsible table in front of him and sitting down across it.

All the room needed was a one-way mirror and a convenient lamp above them and it'd be straight out of a movie.

"I just knew her in school," he finally answered after a near hour of constant questioning. Izumi pumped her fist as he said that, probably happy they broke him down.

"Which school?" Izuki asked, now wearing black shades that blocked her eyes.

"Aldera, she transferred in a few months after the first year began."

"Wait, you've known her that long!" Izumi said, slamming her palms down on the table.

"Well, yeah?"

"And you never told us!?"

"Well I didn't know she'd be number five, I knew she'd get pretty high in the charts but I guess I kinda underestimated her."

"Well don't keep it to yourself, what's she like?" Izuka asked from her seat.

"Hostile, most certainly a little bitchy but under that she's got a bit of a soft spot. Course if I tell her that she'll knock my teeth out but eh what she doesn't know won't hurt me."

"I'll hurt you if you talk shit about Mirko," Izumi said, folding her arms.

"Threat of torture is against the law, which means you have to let me go," Izuku replied with a playful tone.

"The council of siblings has no such law," Izuka said with a small smirk.

"This council is corrupt."

"All sibling councils are corrupt, Izuku, we're siblings in a council dedicated to getting what the fellow siblings besides one want, by any means necessary."

"And what do the siblings want?"

"The god damn deets, Izuku-!" Izumi gets smacked across the face with a newspaper wielded by Izuki.

"Enough, Izumi, he gets the point." Izuki lowered the newspaper and looked back at Izuku, "Izuku, we are teenage girls, we always want the deets dear brother."

Izuku sighed miserably, he really hoped this interrogation would end soon.


Rumi tapped her foot impatiently. She'd been waiting with a few other heroes in the Nigheye Agency's lobby for ten minutes now. She'd been waiting for this since the first meeting, Nighteye had ended it with the promise of a future get-together when the files arrived. He also came to her personally at the US Sports Festival to tell her about this meeting.

So why the hell was it taking so long?

"Freakin Nighteye, making us wait on such an important meeting. What the hell is taking him so long?" she muttered as she continued tapping her foot.

Izuku Midoriya: The Ghost Rider (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now