Chapter Three: The Rider

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Here it is the chapter I'm sure most were waiting for and I'm truly proud of this one, as it is two times the size of the original and far more coherent. Also sorry it took so long for some reason the upload slipped my mind.


Three months. Izuku was running out of time, he had to get out of Mustufa in the next few weeks or it'd experience a rather searing heatwave. Izuku was lucky that the triplets were starting UA soon so he was able to drive them to their first day as he wanted but would have to sacrifice it being every day, as their first week was when he'd be leaving.

"YOUR WHAT!?" Izumi reacted about as he expected. Inko and Hisashi looked absolutely torn up and Izuka and Izuki had tears in their eyes.

"Not like that!" Izuku quickly said, "I mean I'm going for a drive across Japan, to explore the place, ok." They still stared at him, obviously demanding an explanation, Izuku groaned, "Look back in the US, I'd do these little trips across the country. I always did these every few months and I enjoyed them. The point of it originally was to get away from my problems for a week but after a while, I just kept doing them until I did them every three months."

Izuku stopped to let his words sink in, Inko and Hisashi looked less torn and more in thought, the triplets were still staring at him but a glimmer of understanding in their eyes told him he was on the right track, "It's become a tradition for me to do these types of drive, I'd be gone for a week maybe two and that's it. Plus I've been itching to explore Japan for a while and this just happens to coincide."

He watched his family's reactions and saw a blanket of understanding place itself in their eyes. Izuki was the first to speak up, "So you'll be back?"

"Yes, I'll be gone for a week, two tops," Izuku said, Izuki nodded and looked at her sisters.

Izumi still looked somewhat frustrated and Izuka wore a mask of indifference though it didn't hide the turmoil of thought her eyes showed, "You have to promise."

Izuku looked at Izumi, finally saying something. Izuku raised a hand, "I promise I will come back within the allotted time frame." Izumi nodded her head.

"You'll call as well right?" Izuka asked.

Izuku froze and could only think of one word, Shit.


Getting his family off his back, Izuku went about the rest of the week rather well. Izuku wouldn't do much around the apartment and would usually be out walking or driving, he also rediscovered his favorite noodle shop. The owners recognized him and welcomed him with open arms, he'd be sure to go there when possible.

The triplets also started their high school careers at UA and he made sure to drive them there their first day. The day went by pretty slowly and when he came to pick them up they told him all about their day, though Izuki's day seemed far tamer compared to Izumi's and Izuka's.

Their homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa, he felt he recognized that name, was a real slave driver. The day consisted of the entire class doing a quirk apprehension test and apparently, he had threatened the whole class with expulsion, Izuki was listening intently and Izuku was more focused on the road but still listened.

Izuku couldn't really fault the guys' method, it may seem cruel to them but that was because the horror of the world hadn't truly sunk into their minds and he knew it wouldn't take that long for that to happen.

He was surprised to hear that it was a ruse to get everyone to do their best. He was sure the story would've ended with at least one of them getting the boot, maybe the invisible girl Izumi mentioned. Izuki's day resembled his first day the most, an orientation with the principal giving a speech and learning about their classes.

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