Chapter Eight

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I knocked on the door lightly before a voice replied with a "enter" and I walked in.

"Sit." He told me.

I closed the door and sat down. Things were quiet for a few moments before I couldn't take it any longer.

" I'm sorry... For... Um.... Getting you all dirty." I apologized.

"Tch." He tutted. "Whatever."

There was more silence before he lat out a deep sigh.

"Okay. How did you manage to beat me that hard."

"Well... I just thought you were going easy on me. No offence. I guess I just don't know my own strength."

"How did you get stronger?" He asked.

"I... I don't remember. I used to be real weak but lately I've been finding myself to be able to do all sorts of stuff. Stuff I used to never be able to imagine myself doing." I explained. "I don't remember how all it happened. I just suddenly wke up on morning having the ability to do all these amazing things."

"Hmm..." He wondered.

"Sorry. But that's all I know."

"It's fine. But-"

"I know. I'm probably on cleaning duty for getting you all messed up." I groaned.

"Well that, and I would suggest you go see Hanji."


"Hanji. She's our 'science expert'" he told me somewhat sarcastically. "Warning she is somewhat insane. Literally."

"Yes sir." I saluted, before he excused me.

I walked back to my room to tell Sasha what had happened.

"I see." She smiled. "Anyways I'm guessing you need someone to show you where Hanji is."

"Yup." I chuckled.

"Okay then. Follow me."

I followed Sasha out the cadets building, across the courtyard and over to a small shack of sorts.

"This is Hanji's shack. You want me to come in with you?"

"No thanks. I can go in on my own."

"Whatever you say. Just don't come crying when she cuts you up."

I mentally sighed ad I knew nobody would do that...right?

I lightly knocked in the door which was followed by a loud crash, thing falling over on top of one another then anither bang against the door before a dark red-headed, almost brown, girl appeared.

"Umm... Are you Hanji?" I questioned.
"Yes that's me" she smiled widely. "What can I do for you?"

"Well... I was told by Captain Levi to come here for a body check if sorts." I explained.

"Oh yes. You must be Miss. Jae."

"Elsie, please."

"Well then Elsie come on in. Sorry for the mess I've been busy with some experiments."

"Really? I can come back later."

"No. Nows just fine."

She dragged me over to a wooden table which had a small table, with an assortment of tools, next to it. She motioned for me to sit and I did as told.

"So all I got from Levi was that you beat him up really good and you blacked out after. That all right?"

I nodded.

"Okay then. Anything else?"

"Well as I was just discussing with haichou I don't ever remember being that strong. Nor as fats or flexible as you saw me when you first came to wall Maria and met me." I explained. "I just woke up one day like this."

She gave a puzzled look.

"Can you bite down on your left hand please. Just where the bone is that connects your hand to your thumb." She instructed.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Just do it. Make sure it's hard ebiught to bleed. And don't worry I have pain killers and bandages."

I still didn't quite get why she wanted me to inflict pain on myself but I had no other options. I bit toughly down on my hand where told until I started to taste blood. I felt a short spark go half way up my arm before it stopped and the sensation disappeared.

What was that?

Hanji gave a slight disappointed look. "Did you feel anything?"

"Kinda... I guess."

She pirked up a little "what?"

"Nothing special. Just a small spark like feeling that went half way up my arm before going."

"HSS this ever happened before. Whenever you got injured?"

I thought back. There was one time.

"Well... Since I woke up so skilled whenever I got hurt a small electrical feeling shot through me but u always categorised it as pain. I never thought anything else of it."

"Well... I think we should do a body examination and a blood test. See what results we get from that."

I nodded in agreent as we got ready for the examination. I took off my jacket and hung it over a chair. I tolled my sleeves up and lied back in the table. She looked over my arm before hiving out a small gasp.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Have you had any injections lately?"

"What? No. Why?"

"You see... Right here" she pressed her finger on my arm. "Is a small spot. But not just any spot. This is the kinda spot you weoild get from an injection."

I gave a confused look.

"Just how long ago did you say you have been like this?"

"Sometime last year I guess. Maybe... About 7 months ago." I guessed.

It was currently March which meant I was like this since last August.

"I see. Let me do a blood test."


She rummaged through her draws before pulling out a small, but terrifying, needle.

"You know what. I don't think I need a blood test." I laughed nervously.

Yes. It is true. I am terrified of needles. Sure I could take down a 20ft titan and survive on my own for a straight 10 years but needles... Hell no.

"What wrong?" Sh asked.

"N-nothing" I gulped.

"Terrified of needles?"

"Terrified is an understatement." I told her. "I would rather be thrown back into that titan hole."

"Come on. Stop being such a whimp. It's just a small little piece of plastic going into your skin."

"Yes. A piece of plastic that is very sharp and very painful." I stated.

She sighed and went to reach for my arm but I kicked the needle out of her hand before leaping over the mess and out the door.

Hey. When I say I'd rather probably die, I mean it.

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