Chapter Fifteen

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As my eyes fluttered open small streaks if the early morning sunlight trickled in through the curtains. A soft breeze was also filtering through the open window, making the curtains blow gently with the wind.

I slowly sat up. A sudden pain jolted through my body causing me to fall back down. I looked down to see that my arms were both bandaged up all the way from the bottom of my fingers and up to my shoulders. My legs were bandaged to the knees and my whole torso and chest was also bandaged.

Wow. How badly beaten up did I get?!

Then I remembered that beautiful lady.

I wonder who that was. She said she was a friend of Levi's, but...

My thought were shot off track when my door slowly creeped open. I looked over to see Sasha.

"He Sasha." I greeted, as I slowly but painfuly sat up.

"Hey Elsie." She waved. "Wow. I'm surprised you can sit up. The corporal and a bunch of doctors said you may not be able to move for days without pain."

"Well they're right."

"You really shouldn't put yourself through it then. Seriously you got really badly beaten. Worst out of all of us. I think even the captain was a little surprised."

"Why surprised."

"Well to be honest the doctors said it was a mystery his the helk you were still alive."

"Well there are a lot of mysteries iur there. Maybe I'm one." I laughed, which also caused more pain. "Which reminds me I gotta go see haichou."

"Not at the moment you ain't. You gotta rest." She ordered.

"But I wanna move! I don't wanna be stuck here doing nothing." I complained.

"Then read." She sighed, shoving a book into my hands.

"What's this?"

"It's a book. It's called 'Lucifer's Lucky Lake.' I thought it sounded cool."

"Lucifer as in fallen angle?"

"No. Just a lake. Which is apparently a small mass of water. Can you belibe that?! I found this book in a small pile in the back of the library."

She flipped through the pages and painted to a picture.

"A lake hu? You think there are any outside the walls?" I questioned.

"I bet there is! Somewhere out there. Eren was even saying about an Ocean. Which like covers... Well... I don't exactly remember how much, but it covers most of the earth. Can you believe it? I've never heard of such a thing!!!"

"I think I remember a book I read about which had things like oceans and lakes. It talked about life outside the walls. But I lost it when the titans first attacked 10 years ago."

"Oh. That's too bad. Anyways I'll go tell the others you're awake."

"Okay. Bye "

Without another word she ran out he door and I looked to the book. I flipped back to the front page and began to read.

Soon there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" I called.

The door opened to reveals the corporal.

"Oh. Haichou. Didn't expect to see you visit." I lightly chuckled.

"Well as captain it's my duty to make sure all my cadets are healthy, etcetera." He sighed.

"If that's a round about way of asking if I'm okay then yes. I am fine." I replied. "Oh yeah. Someone told me to tell you something."


"I have no idea. But she said she was a friend of yours. She had bobbed hinder hair and-"

"What did she say?" He asked, cutting me off.

"Well. She said that she's been watching over you and that she wants you to be less uptight just because she's gone."

His face became somewhat saddened.

"Why should I believe a word if that. It's impossible. She's dead."

'If he doesn't believe you tell him this...'

"She said that if you didn't believe me then to tell you... December 25th is not just Christmas."

His face went from somewhat pissed to surprise. This was the most facial expressions I've gotten out of him, hell this was the most facial expressions anyone has gotten out of him.

"Haichou are you-"

"I'm perfectly fine." He snapped.

"Listen. I don't know who that girl was or why she was so important to you. But I'm guessing she was the precious ovwner of the horse you gave me as well as the cape. " I told him. "If she was so important why give me all her stuff? Shouldn't you keep those memories instead if throwing them away?"

"Just shut it."

I was stunned. He had never yelled at me like that before, and for some reason I felt really...sad about it. I couldn't speak. I just hanged my head and started at my bedding.

"I-im sorry for yelling." He apologized. "It's just that... She was a really close friend. So much so she was the only one who knew my birthday."

"It's fine." I mumbled. "After all just some girl appears outta the blue, manages to do things nobody else can then you get told that an old friend has given you a message via this random girls dream. Must be a lot to take in."

"Yeah... Guess you could say that."

"W-well. I better get some more rest. The more o rest the quicker I'll get better and the quicker I can start training again."

"Yeah... Well then... See ya later Miss.Jae."

I heard the door creak shut. Leaving me alone once more.

"How many times do I have to tell you to calm me Elsie." I mumbled under my breath.

I just sat there staring down at the bedding. I didn't know what to do or think anymore. I didn't even know what the second part of my dream was. It looked terrible. I had so many questions but nobody to answer them.

It was as if the world was punishing me for still being alive. When Levi yelled at me I felt as if I got shot straight through my heart. I didn't know what to think anymore.

So I just sat, and stared until I finally driffeted back off to sleep and snuggled back into the bed.

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