Chapter Thirty

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I would like to thank DestinyChanger for coming up with a name for Elsie's inner 'negativity' per say. And that name is...Aura. So now if you see that name you know who I'm referring to. Thank you Destiny!!! XD

"Hu? Wha?"

She was shocked. Frozen.

"W...why didn't you move?"

"It's like you said. I should face my bad memories...not run away from them like a coward." I stated, wrapping my arm around her.

"Wha-what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry." I whisperered. "I shouldn't have ran. I should've faced my fears rather than run. I'm weak. I may be able to kill a titan but if I can't face my own dread....then what good am I?"



"You said that all I had to do was think of a the good...right?"


"Well then..."

She backed up a little.

"...hold on for a little longer."

I smiled as Aura closed her eyes once more and thought of a the good memories. I did too.

All the times I spent with my family. Both my families. Playing with Eren, cooking food with my foster mum. Then all the more recent good memories. Seeing Eren again, meeting Levi, Mikasa, Armin and the others, my birthday, taking down the armoured and colossal titan. And most of all....all the times I spent with Levi. Talking, training right up until the moment I told him how I felt.

A huge smile was plastered across my face. When I opened my eye the room was white and the girl that represented my memories was as solid as I was.

" it bright?" She asked. "Did it work?"

"Open your eyes and see."

She slowly opened her eyes and covered them.

"I've never seen something so bright." She stated.

"Well you should take a look at yourself. Your a solid being now."
She lifted up her hands and smiled.

"Thank you."

"Thank you too."

"You should get going. There are people waiting for you."

"I know. Thank you for teaching me not to run from my fears."

"And thank you for teaching me about the good things in life." She smiled "Well...good bye."

"For now." I smirked.

Then she disappeared from view and the once clear white room started to turn into the lookings of a hospital.

"Ghhnng." I groaned as the light pierced my vision.

Once my eyes got used to the light and my ears managed to pick up sound I could hear a few muffled voices. I tried to turn my head to see where they were coming from but it was too painful.

Note to self. Never. Disobey. Orders. Ever. Again!

I let out a small sigh and the sliding if the door.

"Guys! I think she's awake!" I heard a familiar voice scream.

Suddenly there was a thundering of at least a dozen feet rushing into the room. The next thing u knew was that I was being sat up properly and saw everyone looking at me.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Don't Hey guys us!" Armin exclaimed.

"How can you be so heartless?" Mikasa questioned.

Eren was dead silent, but almost in tears. Levi just looked plain shocked but relieved at the same time.

"What are you on about? How long was I out for?" I asked.

"At least a few weeks. Maybe a little over a month!" Hanji told me.

"What?!?" I almost screamed. That hurt my throat.

A nurse handed me a cup of water and I chugged it down.

"How was I out for that long?" I asked in shock.

"Well you did get a really bad crash on the head." Connie said.

"Still! Hell my joints are probably all stiff!"

Then as I looked around I saw someone I thought I'd never see again.

"RYU!" I yelled, jumping to hug her, she hugged back. "I'd thought I'd never see you again after we got separated at wall Maria!"

"Sane here." She replied. "Hell I've missed you."

"Woah." Hanji sighed, xarfully pushing me back down onto the bed. "Carful there tiger. Don't put too much strain on your body or you might pull or even break something."

"But I wanna move around!" I whined like a 5 year old.

"You can do plenty of that when you get discharged. For now get some rest."

"Hell no. I've had enough of resting! Resting is not gonna help re-boot my body at all.".

"You have to let your wounds heal. They were so bad they're still not fully healed."

"I don't care! Let me off of this bed immediately!" I screamed, trying to force my way outta my bed.

Everyone tried to push me back down except Levi and Ryu.

"Levi." Hanji cried. "Help."

Levi let out a 'tch', moved everyone out the way and literally pushed me back into the bed.

"Hey! That hurt!" I whined.

"Well it would have hurt worse if you got up to only collapse into your knees." He stated. "Now stop being an annoying brat and rest. Stay awake if you want but leave that bed and I swear to hell I will not let you train until Christmas!"

"You wouldn't dare." I glared.

It was only June, that meant it was a whole nother 5-6 month until Christmas. And I could not wait out that long.

"Try me." He glared back.

We just galared at each other for, who knows how long, until I finally gave up.

"Fine!" I sighed. "But if I'm not out and moving but the end of the month then I am leaving this place, like it or not."

He glared at me again.

"Leave this hospital without my permission and I promise you you will not live to see the next day you are allowed to go on a mission."

"I'm sorry! Please don't make em sit in my room for all eternity!!!" I cried.

"Better." He stated.

"Now, how much we would love to sit here and catch up, me and the others have some important things to discuss." Hanji told me.

"Awww." I pouted.

"Don't worry El, I'll stay with you." Ryu smiled.

"Yay! I knew I could count on you!"

"I did promise if I ever lost yiy I'd find my way back."

I nodded my head as she came to sit by me.

"Byee El." They all waved.

Eren gave me a quick hug as well as Sasha. Levi gave me a stern look then they all disappeared out the door.

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