Chapter Fourteen

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Eren's POV

We all just sat there as we watched Elsie slice through the small gap in the titans armour and through its neck. It fell to the ground with a crash and the aftershock almost pushed doen the building we were on.

We were all amazed that Elsie could do what we couldn't. Kill the armoured titan.

Not even Levi could kill it with a hso might. Does that mean Elsie is more skilled then humanities strongest? She did whoop his ass the other day...but then again she's this good because of that mysetiius injection.

Elsie then zoomed back up to the roof, and we all let out a cheer.

"It's no big deal. You guys all okay?" She asked with a smile.

"Us okay? You just killed the armoured titan. I thibj that the while of humanity is a lot more okay!!!" Sasha cheered.

"I'll take that as a yes, and that's good." She laughed lightly.

As she started walking closet to her she collapsed only to be caughet by the captain.

"What's wrong with her?" Mikasa asked.

"I think she used up too much energy taking down that thing." He told us. "She may be out for a good few days. Anyways let get back to wall Sina. We can't help her if the only doctor we have is Hanji."

"Hey!!!" She yelled, offended.

We all gave a small smirk at the comment before whisking back to the survay corpse base.

Elsie's POV ~ Nightmare.

It was dark. All around me was darkness. I couldn't see a think. Just the pitch black darkness. I could hear screams. Terrified yells and calls for help. But none were answered as they all came to a sudden stop.

All was silent. Then the scenery began to fade in. It was still quite dark but it slowly got lighter. But I wish it didn't.

I saw the town as how it used to be 10 years ago. When it was flooded with titans and people were screaming for help. I watches once in horror again as all those innocent peoples screams were silenced.

Everything replayed like a horror movie as my memories replayed. I was reliving those terrible moments uncontrollably.

I was in a dim alleyway as I watched yet another victim being mercilessly devoured. I was Jo longer afraid. You get used to it after about the 7th time of seeing it happen. You know your doomed for death. I did the only thing a normal 10 year old girl would do. I ran. I ran and went straight back to my home to see if my parents were okay.

I ran down street after street before finally arriving upon the ruins of my home. I saw my mother struggling under the rubble.

"Mama!" I yelled out. "Mama!"

I ran to her side, trying to lift her out. But I was too weak.

"E..Elsie." She staggered.

"Mama! Don't say anything. I'm gonna get you outta here." I said in a panic.

"Elsie. Don't bother." She told me. "Even if you could get me out my legs have been crushed. I couldn't run."

"Then I'll carry you."

She shook her head. "We both know you're not strong enough. And if you tied we'd both be dead."

I couldn't argue with her. She was right. We would both die. She couldn't run.

"Mum!" I heard a scream fro. Down the street.

I quickly turned to see Eren running with Mikasa.

"Elsie. Listen." Mother whispered. "You must run. Get away from here and save yourself. Keep living.".

"Okay mama." I cried, feeling tears stream down my face.

"Now promise me." She began, also starting to cry. "please. Don't let anyone know you two are related. Okay dear?"

"Okay mum. I promise." I sniffed.

"Now go."

I took off on my heels and ran in a random direction not caring if it was the right way or not.

I promise mum. And I won't ever break it.

Suddenly there was a flash. I tripped and the scene changed. I was now regular old me. No longer a child. I was standing in the middle of a pit, that was obviously created by an explosion.

There was a sudden shaking. I looked up to see the 50ft titan above me. I knew it could see me. It was staring right at me. It was about to pick me up when something much shorter then it, but still huge to me, tackled it to the ground.

It was Eren in his titan form.

Then the others wisped past me. Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Hanji, Levi and many more. They all too tried attacking the colossal titan. But all attacks did nothing. Soon blood was spilling from all directions. Many were already dead, bodies scattered on the ground. Eren was now limbless and unable to move. Levi was beaten up the most out of those who were still breathing as humans. Although he was the one who kept going at it hit after hit.

I was unable to mkbe at all during this sequence of events so I just let it play. Then just as it looked like Levi was about to be killed, the world exploded into light. I was once again along in the pure white setting around me.

"Elsie" a sweet voice called.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You do not need to know who I am. Just why I am here." It replied.

I turned to see a pretty, young lady with light ginger bobbed hair. Her eyes were a sparklig gold. She was wearing a survey corpse uniform.

"Whya are you here then?" I ask

"I am here to ask a favour of you. And tell you something important."


"First. You must know that you are the most important person to a certain someone. Although he may not realize it yet. He hold you close in his heart without knowing why. He feels towards you the same way he did me." She smiled.


"You'll have to find out for yourself." She giggled.

"Okay then. And the favour?"

"Oh yes. I need you to tell a certain clean freak corporal that an old friend of his has been watching over him and requests that he is to be less uptight and kinder to those around him. Just because I am gone."

"I see. But who are you exactly?"

"Like I said. An old friend. Also if he does not believe him tell him this..."

I nodded at the woman. Then she slowly dissapeared into the light. I lied down and closed my eyes.

Who was that beautiful lady?

~~~ Nightmare over ~~~

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