Tachibana Hinata

1.9K 36 3


May 21, 1991

Zodiac sign

153 cm

Blood type

Hair color
Burnt coral

Eye color
Burnt coral


Tachibana family
Naoto Tachibana (younger brother)
Masato Tachibana (father)
Unnamed mother

:She likes cocoa.

:She dislikes bitter coffee.

:Her specialty is the piano.

:Her favorite animal is the dolphin.

:The people she looks up to and admires are her mom and Helen Keller.

:The person she dislikes or fears is her father when he talks too much.

:Her dream is to be a nurse.

:Hinata's relationship chart:
Naoto: Younger brother
Emma: Friend
Takemichi: Love

:A saga (or story of failure): "Takemichi praised me for the cookies I baked. (I thought they were macarons, but whatever!)"
Her favorite place is the rooftop where she watched fireworks with Takemichi.

A day in life:
Going to school with Naoto, always a little bit earlier than her classmates -> Take a class -> Music class is my favorite -> Eating with female friends during lunch break -> On the way home, I had a date with Takemichi-kun! -> Take a long bath before going to sleep, text Takemichi good night, and go to sleep

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