
94 1 0

Marc Spector

Strong, powerful, pounding steps make there way up into Marc's ears. The only thing able to pierce of the sound of his heart doing overtime to pump blood. His arms barely feel the weight of the unconscious woman in them.

Marc looks at his forearm, blood staining his suit. Blood that was not his own. Now that he had time to think through his decisions on why he would save this woman? But more importantly why it had seemed like there was no other option. Normally he would leave the injured witnesses or victims to the cops for them to deal with. So then why would he save this woman in just a sheer tank top and shorts?

It wasn't even like there weren't other people he could have saved. There were probably about 15 other people. Or he could have just not taken anyone at all. It could have saved him ass and not had a higher chance of getting caught. So why her? Looking over her one more time he spots where the blood is coming from. Her top has been pulled up right under her breast and a huge jagged knife wound has been carved into her pale skin.

Rounding the corner, Marc slows to a stop in a dark alley finally having the time to assess the damage. Realizing the more running he does the more she gets jostled around and more blood spurts out Marc needs to get her help fast. 

But one look back is all it takes to see that the three men were still chasing him. Starting off again Marc makes sure to hold her more securely. 

They were working for Mr. Home, a big-time trafficking ring leader that moves and relocates girls and women under the radar from the cops. One of his operations had been tipped off to Marc and he had started to plan weeks ago.

This was only the first of many he was planning to crash.

Marc didn't go as Moon Knight because what could have helped him be more inconspicuous than a man in a white cape so much, right? But nonetheless, he's still got the incapability of being hurt. So he wouldn't have needed the armor that comes with the suit.

He stops abruptly again feeling the woman jerk into his chest causing her head to hang off the side of his arm. 'That must hurt later.' Marc's own thoughts answer.

Spinning into the dark, around a corner, and another. He hears one of the men yell, signaling that they are going to split up. A smirk dawns on his face. One at a time seems to be the way they wanted to go out.

Marc had never had a hard time killing people who deserved it. These people obviously did if they were selling girls to people who had horrible intentions knowing. And just selling them in general.

Running away from people was a talent Marc had formed over the years as a mercenary.

"Just leave her!" Khonshu's monotone voice seeped into Marc's ears. A voice that he'd only hear when Khonshu had something to say.

He didn't answer. Setting her slowly and gently on the ground, Marc tore off his shirt ripping the sides of it to make a rope-like contraption. Wrapping the thick fabric around his back he held the sides as he picked her back up holding her with her chest to his. He crisscrossed the shirt around her back to tie it around his neck.

As he can now hold her with just one hand he looks around for a ladder. After spotting one only a few feet away he walks quietly over and starts to climb with his free hand. The woman's head rolls into Marc's chest, her breathing hot on his skin.

He looks up to the moon as he gets to the top of the building. Khonshu stands there with his staff looking all entitled as he typically does. "They're coming," Khonshu says as a matter of fact.

Rustling is heard from behind him, as the door to the roof slams open with a loud bang in the silent night. Spinning with the woman still in his arms he looks at the ladder to see a balding head quickly climbing. Turning again the other two men breathe heavily at the door.

"Oh I see, looks like you all want to die, huh? Well, who wants to go first?!" Marc gets cocky using his free hand to gesture come here. The slightly overweight one comes from the left while the baldy comes from the right, both at full speed.

Marc waits until just the right moment to step backward, letting them knock their heads together. With the help of his hand pushing the sweaty men into each other effectively knocking them out cold. He looks back to find that the other man was nowhere to be seen. But footsteps behind him are not that far.

"Ohh looks like I scared him off huh sweetheart?" The nickname came out of nowhere with the lighthearted voice he was using. Patting her head slowly soothing the unruly curly hair down.

Slowly side-stepping to the right he scans the ground for any weapon. He could easily steal one off the men but that would take too long to fumble with their jackets or pants giving the man enough time to hit him from behind.

He couldn't risk it with the girl.

Scanning the ground he found a broken metal clothing line. Marc holds her back as he bends forward snatching it from the ground.

He looks at the feet on the other side of the water tank next to him. Swiping the poll under he knocks the man on his back. Jumping around it as fast as he could without her falling. He makes it quick, stabbing the man threw his chest with all his strength and kicking the gun out of his hand.

"Finish them."


The reason I didn't make Marc use the suit was because to him it would have interfered with him being able to hold her and work as well. Now that I think about it I probably just wanted to think of him shirtless.


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