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Steven Grant

On the morning that Marc brought a woman, whom he had no idea the name of, into his apartment, and looked at the male body on the couch you would notice a change.

A small change but a change nonetheless.

Even sleeping you could see the male become softer, his body less stiff, and his face relaxed.

Marc was now Steven.

Steven moved everywhere during his sleep, because like always, he was a restless sleeper. At one point in the two-hour sleep he got, he was on the floor but somehow managed to get back on the couch still asleep.

At exactly 7:15 Steven was startled, scrambling off the couch and trying to reach his hand over to his alarm clock. Waving his hand around frantically to get the nagging beeping to stop that felt ever so loud to his still sleep-induced mind.

Steven was so confused as to why it wasn't stopping. And why his hand wasn't hitting anything. Opening his eyes to the bright living area he was dumbfounded. He was 100 percent sure he had gone to sleep on his bed last night and not on the couch.

Steven sighed.

If this was all his sleep-walking self did, it was fine with him.

Shifting into a sitting position, he looked over his surroundings to see if anything else was out of place other than him. Without a signal glance to his bedroom, he walks to the door and realizes that he definitely did more than he originally thought. This was the first time in a while. The blue painter's tape on the door was in crumples, much different that the smooth straight tape he'd put on only hours ago.

The other locks on the door were still very much intact, so this had to be him going in and out of his apartment. Steven did a little pat down on himself to make sure he had every limb, and to make sure he didn't have any noticeable wounds he could feel that could indicate he had a wonderous night out when he wasn't conscious.

Forgetting the alarm clock, he went over the room again looking for anything else out of place. The 50-gallon fish tank holding Gus, who now has two fins as of three days ago, is still there in the fish tank swimming around. The books are still in a mess of piles all over the room.

"If you can sneak out in the middle of the night you could at least do me a favor and clean up a bit." Steven hit his head trying to make the words go through the other person in his head who wants to make sure those 10,000 steps get reached.

Well since he was already up, he thought he might as well get dressed so Donna doesn't fire him for being late. Again.

Looking over to his bedro-"OH MY DAYS!!"

If you were outside the apartment, you would have thought what you heard was a small child being gifted a rat.

The bloody rags on the sand are what first caught his attention when he came into his bedroom, but that was nothing compared to what he saw on his bed.

A woman seemingly half-naked with a humongous gash that's been neatly stitched, laying on the right side of the bed.

So many thoughts raced through Steven's head faster than he could process. Why is this woman half naked? Why does she have a huge gash on her stomach? Why is she in his bed? How did she get there? Does she need help? Should he call the cops? Did he cause the injury? What should he do?

He knows he can't call the cops. What would Steven say?

'Oh ello, I'm Steven Grant, I have a half-naked woman in my bed and I don't know how she got there... soooo I need someone to take her to the hospital because she also has this big cut that I also don't know how it got there and I have bloody rags of bloody that are must likely hers. And I have no idea what happened last night.'

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