Bloody Mess

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Marc Spector

After disposing of the bodies in a closet on the roof, he called the cops to deal with the corpses. He walked back into the building using the elevator to get down, untieing the shirt and holding her away from his body to check her wound again.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry this happened." Marc's American accent floats around the elevator as he pulls out his phone to figure out where he is so he can get back to his flat.

Marc had no idea where this newfound care came from for this girl. His best guess is that she has a pretty face and Steven must have taken over at some point and saw her and felt sorry for something. All he wanted to believe was that basically kidnapping her wasn't his doing.

A long walk later and he was back at this flat opening the door quietly and shutting the door with his foot. With the click of the door, Marc felt a shiver go down the woman's back.

A low hearty chuckle makes his way from Marc's chest. All that fighting and jostling didn't make her move a muscle nor wake up but the click of a door that leads into the safest place, for now, makes her shiver.

He wondered what she'd be like when she woke.

Going around to the side of the bed Steven doesn't sleep on, he laid her down and started assessing her wound. The tank top is stuck to the blood which is now seeming smeared all over her torso and looking down at himself it was on his too.

At least his chest was hairless.

He walked over the sand around his bed not caring if Steven notices in the morning. If he does he'll probably think it was her. Going to the bathroom he removed a floorboard and pulled out a heavy-duty first aid kit he still had from being a mercenary. So instead of the usual band-aids and Neosporin, there were needles, gaze, and stuff that could be used to sew people's wounds.

Marc never lets Steven see stuff from that time because he doesn't want him to get the hint that he's not alone. These days it's really been just Steven because he's too mentally exhausted from all the missions Khonshu is making him go on.

But he knows for a fact that he's going to freak in the morning when they switch. He could try not to let them switch but that would be hard to stay awake all night, considering it's mostly always that they wake up as Steven. Even then it would just be delaying the inevitable, Steven would find out at some point. 

Grabbing a washcloth from the bathroom he douses it in alcohol before coming back out to the woman lying on his bed and nealing next to her. His knees are still in the sand as he slowly runs the washcloth over the bloody skin careful not to get too close to the cut. After Marc was able to clearly see where the wound ended and started he got to the cut effectively stitching her up.

He went slow and carefully to cause as little harm as possible. He doubted she could feel anything with how knocked out she is but just in case she decided she wanted to wake up now Marc tried to make it as painless as possible. Marc knows it hurts when the person doing the stitching wasn't careful or kind. While he stitched her, he wondered what Steven would do in the morning when he found an injured woman laying in his bed.

He'd probably freak out when he woke up. Marc remembers he can make it seem like he really was alone tonight because that would be freaky to just have a woman who obviously had a rough night sleeping in the same bed as you when you're supposed to be locked up.

"You know what?" You're sleeping on the couch tonight big guy." Marc said under his breath to Steven even though he knows too well that Steven can't hear him. Sleeping on the couch would make a lot of things a lot less difficult.

Now that the woman's injuries were taken care of he wrapped her torso in gauze while holding her in an upright position.

But when Marc finished he held her.

He quickly set her down carefully when he realized what he was doing. Again, he blamed it on Steven for being too damn affectionate and it was getting to him.

"Look as soon as you can walk I'm throwing you out. OK?" Marc looks down at the sleeping woman pushing back anything nice he wanted to say about her. "I can have another person to deal with, Steven's enough. You got it?...Ok. Have a nice sleep swear heart." Marc's American accent filters through the air as he pushes away some of her hair from his pillow.

Marc looks at the clock noticing how late it is but still has to take a quick shower because. personally, he doesn't want his couch covered in blood.

Finally, when he was all clean and ready to sleep he crashed on the couch.


I know that the picture is of Steven when he wants to stay awake but I could find any other picture of him laying down so now you get cute adorable Steven when it's Marc's chapter. I wrote this originally as Marc being all lovey dovey for no reason another that it was Stevens's fault. But then I rewatched the show and realized how much of an ass Marc is sooooooo, no nice senses for him yet.

My sister helped my spell half these words


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