Why did I make this?

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My bored ass was wondering what to do besides work on the 100 works I am working on when I decide to shit this out my ass

Piggy superheroes (cringe)

I saw a thing where the Piggy characters where like heroes and stuff but I didn't really like the roster of Characters so I decided to make one myself

There will be seven members of this team cause yes

Note: I was originally going to put Willow due to her fighting abilities and her past leadership as a leader but then I remembered something
Her past leadership


1: Bunny

Bunny is here for multiple reasons one she can fight so that good and she can uses Carrots to hurt people which is also good

Bunny has some medical experience which is always useful

Bunny is a good person and would help bring the team close to help them team up and take down Tio or whoever they are fighting

The only downside for Bunny is that she might doubt herself and think the team is better without her

2: Tigry

Tigry like Bunny is here for multiple reasons

Tigry has military experience which is pretty good already

Now at the Factory I think Tigry trapped all of those members of tsp and was not seen so he is pretty sneaky

Also Tigry is strong in the Refinery you can shoot him and he will be down for only 20 seconds most people would NEED the hospital like Griaffy but no he walks it off

The only downside for Tigry is that he will look down upon himself like he usually does and ultimately leave the team unless he is convinced otherwise

3: Zizzy

Do I even have to say anything about her?

4: Billy

Ok so every team needs some muscle power and that is what Billy is for

Billy can most likely fight and the dude is pretty ripped as it is

Billy is able to hold a metal robot to a wall in the attic chapter

Also Billy owns the Mansion in the Piggy rp do he has some cash

The down side to billy is that he might not be trustworthy and betray his team mate's

5: Dakoda

Now ik I did say The whole point of Billy being on the team cause of his muscles but Dakoda is probably stronger than him

Dakoda might not know how to fight which might be a problem but the dude cares an anchor AND ANCHOR FOR CRYING OUT LOAD do you know how heavy those are?

Dakoda is just the muscles along side Billy

Down side to Dakoda is that he might not be able to fight so yeah it's a problem

6: Parasee

Time for some wildcards

Parasee has tentacles that can stretch pretty far like Mommy Long Legs

Parasee can also use his tentacles to climb walls

Parasee is kinda like the spiderman of the team but without the webs

(Could have used Spidella and it wouldn't make a difference)

The downside to Parasee is that we don't know how he acts so we don't know if we would get a long with the team or if they would be strong enough to take him down

7: Anteo

Here is the last person on the list Anteo

Anteo is here because he is an ant Ant's can carry 5,000 times it's weight at normal size image was a human size any can do

Ant's can swim are strong and can life for a good while with only there head and an arm

Ant's Have the biggest brain out of all the insects they have there own society going on in those hills

All of these facts makes Anteo the powerhouse of the team

Also Ants Value teamwork team work is the key to what ants do

The only downside is that we don't know how we will act with the other members of the team but we know he will most likely not betray them


Okay there that is this thing that I did cause I was bored

Now these peeps will go fight Tio or devil piggy or Gryffin or who ever

I can't think of a good name for the team that wasn't taken so rip team name

I hope you enjoyed the cringe I made

(I am now kinda curious who people would put in there team)

Have a good day! Bye 👋

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