More than a year late but whatever...

28 2 12

Hi.. there is something that I need to get off my chest..


This is Petunia..

She Died a years ago

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She Died a years ago..

She used to be my pet Dog.. I used to have her for as long as I could remember..

She was so happy and Nice..

And yet she got me as a pet owner..

Me and my family wouldn't spend time with her or time that she deserved from us..

We wouldn't even let her inside the House and whenever she did get in..
We would force her out..

I still feel guilty for how terrible for how we treated her.. infact.. the picture you saw.. was a picture of her the day she died.. April 8th 2021..



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Milo the Cat..

He went missing one year ago..

Milo.. wasn't exactly mine.. he was a homeless cat I would take care of that lived under my school..

Me and other students would take care of it..

I would always see him everyday at school.. and I would give him Water and sometimes food..

But one day.. he disappeared..

I check day after day to see if he was under the classroom.. but he wasn't there

But from what I heard the last person to see him he was bloody and hurt..

After that we never saw him again..
Soon they fixed up the hole he used to get in and out of the Classroom floor..

Living underneath a Classroom was probably not a nice place.. but it was better than what me and my Family gave Petunia..

I needed to get the guilt of my chest for of them.. I feel like I could have done better for them both.. Should have been Better..

I am sorry..


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